Sunday, October 20, 2024

I Will Follow by Eireann Corrigan - ESSENTIAL

I Will Follow by Eireann Corrigan, 272 pages. Scholastic, 2024. $14

Language: G (8 swears, 0  “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13 (kidnapping, drugged, handcuffed)



Shea Davidson is a TikTok influencer and she will tell you exactly how many followers she has. Nora is Shea’s number one fan and it seems to her Shea’s numbers and content are slipping.  Nora is sure she is the only one who can save Shea.  If only Shea knew that Nora existed, that is.  Nora has a plan - even if it does involve a mild case of kidnapping.

You know, you think that Nora’s behavior is so out there that it can’t be real.  But, fans have done really weird things to their object of fandom in the past and in our current day (think John Lennon, David Letterman, stalkers of all sorts now). Nora’s behavior is not so far-fetched. Corrigan has a good thriller here at a time my students are really absorbing the genre. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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