Monday, October 21, 2024

Let Us March On! by Yohuru Williams, illustrated by Xia Gordon - ADVISABLE

Let Us March On! by Yohuru Williams, illustrated by Xia Gordon. NON-FICTION, BIOGRAPHY PICTURE BOOK. Atheneum (Simon), 2024. $19. 9781665902786

Content: PG (gentle, but honest about the horrible things done to black people - back matter is more detailed)



James Weldon Johnson was a brilliant black lawyer, teacher and poet.  When he spoke people listened.  Terrible things were being done to the black communities, and he had a brilliant idea for a silent protest down a New York City street.  Ten thousand black children and adults marched silently with signs about equality and fairness, protesting hatred and violence while 25 thousand people watched.

Most of us are extremely saddened by the injustices of the past, and Williams relates a positive tale of a historic black hero.  The beautiful poem that he wrote is provided to us at the end of the story as well as more detailed information about the Silent Protest Parade. Simple yet visually strong illustrations strengthen the message.


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