McDaniel, Lurlene Breathless 165 p. Delacorte Press 2009 Sexual Content: PG Violence: PG Language: G (1 swear, no "f"). Travis Morrison is the best diver in all of Alabama and is Olympic hopeful. He has a great girlfriend Darla and a loving sister Emily, when one day at the lake everything changes. Travis breaks his leg and at the hospital discovers he has cancer. Travis has a plan but needs help from his best friend Cooper to carry it out. But when things change do Darla and Emily come to help? This book is very hard to read and personally if you have recently lost a close loved one, I wouldn't read it. (known from expierence) This book shows how hard life is for some people and even though someone thinks that they are doing whats best for you, they might not know how you feel. This book is ADVISABLE to HS. Student Review: EM
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