Monday, June 3, 2024

The Cursed Moon by Angela Cervantes - OPTIONAL

The Cursed Moon by Angela Cervantes, 224 pages. Middle Grade, Scholastic, 2023. $19 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Rafael Fuentes has just finished sixth grade, though his failing grades means he has to take summer school. His summer goes from discouraging to horrifying when his neighbor urges him not to tell ghost stories under a blood moon. Rafael can't resist however, and tells a ghost story about the Caretaker, which seems to unleash the evil ghost and turn his scary stories into reality. 

Nice and creepy, Rafael is not only dealing with living ghosts, but the return of his mother who has been in and out of rehab for alcohol and drugs, so there are themes of family and trust issues. Interesting premise and ends on a hopeful note. Rafael and his family are Latino. 

Michelle in the Middle 

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