Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Puzzled by Pan Cooke - ESSENTIAL

by Pan Cooke
, 224 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Rocky Pond Books Penguin, 2024 $14 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



This is a memoir based on Pan's experiences with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Pan is ten when his brain begins to obsess over his thoughts, and the book follows him through high school. Pan worries he will say or do the wrong thing and his fears can only be solved through exhausting rituals. He feels he has to figure out the puzzle that is him, and he isn't sure how. 

 Pan does a great job letting readers into the mind of someone coping with thoughts they don't understand. This book builds a lot of empathy for those suffering from OCD and may help a reader recognize symptoms sooner if they are going through something similar. Pan point out that it takes 11 years on average for someone to get diagnosed. Pan is from Ireland, though culture and race don't play a part in the story. 

Michelle in the Middle 

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