Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mabuhay! by Zachary Sterling - ADVISABLE

by Zachary Sterling,
 240 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Graphix (Scholastic), 2023 $25.

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (fighting monsters, witches). 



JJ and Althea are Filipino Americans, their parents are immigrants and run a Filipino food truck. JJ struggles to fit in, while his sister Althea would rather be herself than fit in. They both hate working on the food truck - and when the truck is hired to cater an end of year party, thrown by the most popular girl (who is also JJs crush) the kids are horrified. But when their uncle shows up from the Philippines with news that the family is in danger, the kids find out that their mother is a powerful witch, and saving the world might have just fallen into their hands. 

The magical realism - the monster fighting side-story was a total surprise. It suddenly made Mabuhay! very exciting and dramatic - Lightning Thief lovers would find this a fun graphic novel. I liked the realistic representation of trying to negotiate school when your lunch smells different and your friends don't understand your culture. Full-color illustrations and great character representations (both in the story arc and pictures) draw the reader in, while the cultural foods, mythology, and the occasional Filipino phrase - defined on page - are a great mirror for those kids. 

 Lisa Librarian

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