Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Arya Khannas Bollywood Moment by Arusha Avachat - OPTIONAL

Arya Khannas Bollywood Moment
by Arusha Avachat
, 320 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martins Griffin), 2024. $24.

Language: R (14 swears 4 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (romantic kisses); Violence: G 



High School senior Arya Khannas has been frenemies with Dean for years. They always seem to be fighting. When they ran against each other for class president at the end of their Junior year, Dean won by just 6 votes. Now Arya is his vice-president and he takes every opportunity to rub that in. Her sister, who has been away for the last 3 years has returned home. She’s getting married, which is quite a celebration in their Indian culture. But her sister and her mother have a strained relationship, and Arya feels caught in the middle. 

A fun and fresh Young Adult read. Arya’s life is full of drama - her best friends were dating and their break up put Arya at odds with the friend group, and her former friend is listening to the gossip. Her mother seems to suffer from depression which adds to the trouble at home and with the wedding plans. The romance was so sweet and well-paced. Full of Indian culture, neatly explained because Dean is white. Arya and her family are Indian, Arya’s friends are mostly white, one is Jewish. 

Lisa Librarian 

I Wish You Would by Eva Des Lauriers - OPTIONAL

I Wish You Would
by Eva Des Lauriers
, 288 pages. Henry Holt and Co. (Macmillan), 2024. $18

Language: R (169 swears, 51 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (implied sex, off page); Violence: PG (fight)



Natalia and Ethan are getting ready for the senior sunrise event that welcomes the class back to their last year of high school. They’re both dealing with family issues and their confusing almost-hookup after Junior Prom. The two have always been best friends; it possibly turned into something more, but neither Ethan or Natalia are willing to talk to each other about it at all. When each senior writes a letter that’s meant for their eyes only and the letters accidentally get loose, secrets start coming out about classmates. The chaos will make or break Natalia’s and Ethan’s chances to build a relationship. 

I like the romance in the story. I had fun getting to know Natalia and Ethan. A fun, sweet story. Ethnicity is mostly white with Latina main character. 

LynnDell Watson, DHS Librarian, Delta, Utah

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The New Girl by Cassandra Calin - ADVISABLE

The New Girl
by Cassandra Calin
, 272 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Graphix (Scholastic), 2024. $13 

Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: PG (menstruation issues) Violence: G 



Lia is12yo and flying from Romania to Canada, her new home, when she has her first period in the airport. Lia gets terrible cramps with her periods. So not only does Lia have to adjust to a new country and language, she also has to adjust to changes in her body. 

 The illustrations are well done and add to the story. Based on the author's own experiences, the story is very authentic. The speech bubbles are sometimes just scribbles with only the words in print that Lia understands, which highlights how difficult it would be to learn a new language. Anyone who is new to a school should be able to empathize with Lia, especially those coming from other cultures. Lia's difficult periods are addressed, which isn't a topic often brought up in books. Lia is Romanian and her friends come from all different cultures. 

Michelle in the Middle 

The Smoke That Thunders by Erhu Kome - ADVISABLE

The Smoke That Thunders by Erhu Kome, 300 pages. W. W. Norton & Company, 2024. $19

Language: PG (3 swears, 0  'f'); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG (some fighting, some people get poisoned, it describes the pain and injuries in moderate detail)



16yo Naborhi becomes bonded to a fox-like  animal and begins having visions of a kidnapped boy. She meets Atai, the son of an Oracle from a rival queendom, and learns that she is being guided by the gods. She and Atai, along with Naborhi's cousin, Tamunor, set off across the continent to rescue the mysterious boy. But when they find him—and find out his true identity—Naborhi realizes there is more than just her freedom at stake. She must stop a war that has already been set in motion.

I liked how it was a little different from the other things I've read, because this book is about African folklore, and myths, and I like that. I also like that it had lots of action and how the main character was persistent with her dreams. It also was super engaging.

They are all from Africa.

Student Reviewer: E. Anderson, 9th grader

Monday, June 17, 2024

Summer at Squee by Andrea Wang - OPTIONAL

Summer at Squee by Andrea Wang. 320 pages. Middle Grade Kokila (Penguin), 2024. $19.

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G (crushes); Violence: G. 



13yo Phoenny Fang is so excited for summer camp this year. She and her best friend Lyrica have been going for years, and have a special in because their mothers are the directors. It's a Chinese cultural heritage camp the kids call Squee. This is Phoenny's last year because she's going into 8th grade, and it promises to be the best. But when she arrives, she finds her regular group has been broken up because there are some new campers - a group of girls who were adopted from China. Their arrival is met with mixed emotions from both the new girls and the seasoned campers, and everyone seems to get off on the wrong foot. There's a possibility of a summer romance as well, as one of the new counselors in training - a boy recently moved from Hong Kong, seems to have his eye on Phoenny, but dating is strictly off-limits. 

I haven't seen many books about adopted Chinese orphans - although I know several families who have children from China. I liked the discussions the campers had with their advisors, especially about their feelings for their culture and whether or not they felt Asian enough. I loved the classes they took - this camp really looks like a lot of fun! There's a lot going on, with so many characters, a couple of side stories could have been removed to help the reader keep track. There's a long distance runner, a camper questioning her identity, an allergy scare, and a social media troll who shakes up the camp's sense of security, lots of different teachers and leaders and extra drama - I didn't feel it was all necessary. The characters are culturally or ethnically Chinese. 

Lisa Librarian 

Thirsty by Jas Hammonds 0 OPTIONAL

Thirsty by Jas Hammonds, 336 pages. Roaring Brook Press (Macmillan), 2024. $17

Language: R (165  swears, 79  'f'); Mature Content: R (on page sex); Violence: PG (vandalism)



18yo Blake is poor compared to her rich friends and she works at a country club full of entitled people. Blake wants to fit in more than anything and she realizes that she relaxes when she drinks. Alcohol becomes Blake’s crutch in all social situations because she believes that she’s worthless which stems from years of bullying. Blake’s girlfriend Ella ensures her that her drinking isn’t a problem but when their best friend Annetta and Blake’s brother keep trying to help her stop her drinking because of the consequences she’s dealing with, Blake gets angry. Blake spirals into alcoholism and she’s faced with some very tough choices.

Strong character development.  Realistic fiction that packs a punch.  I appreciated how the author portrayed Blake, her problems, and her family in such a true manner.

The ethnicity is mostly white with a mix of Blacks, biracial, and Filipino characters.

LynnDell Watson, DHS Librarian, Delta, Utah

Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Liars Society Alyson Gerber - ADVISABLE

The Liars Society
by Alyson Gerber
, 304 pages. Middle Grade Scholastic, 2024. $15 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Weatherby is super excited to get a scholarship to the prestigious Boston School. There she meets other 12yo students who she hopes to fit in with, even if she is not wealthy or privileged. Weatherby is hiding a secret, but it turns out that her classmates are too, ones they are all desperate to conceal. When they are tapped to join the oldest, most powerful secret society in the world, their secrets may all come to life. 

The premise was interesting and paced well. There are themes of power and privilege and finding your own moral compass, as well as climate activism. I just wish that the characters were older than 12. They act older and are placed in situations that would seem better with older kids. Even a top-secret society may want to wait a few years to tap out its elite. While culture and race aren't mentioned, the two main characters seem to be white. 

Michelle in the Middle 

The Jake Show by Joshua S. Levy - ADVISABLE

The Jake Show
by Joshua S. Levy
, 240 pages. Katherine Tegen (HarperCollins), 2023. $19. 

Language: G (0 swears o 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Jake Lightman feels like a character in a TV show. His parents are divorced and he's acting different parts for each parent. For his mother, he's “Yaakov” but he's “Jacob” for his father. He wants to go to a particular summer camp with his friends, but his father won't approve because the camp is too Jewish, and his mother won't approve because it's not Jewish enough. Jake concocts a plan to get there, but it means lying to both parents and getting his friends involved. But things only get more complicated once he gets to camp, he finds it more and more difficult to keep up with all the lies - and he risks losing his friends over it. 

A moving story; poor Jake is torn between trying to be what each parent expects, and not being able to be himself. I felt for him. I loved how honest his friends were, taking him to task when he needed it, while also being supportive. Levy's story was engaging. Certainly written for a Jewish reader, however, I didn't feel on the outside - everything was in context and made sense to the story, even though I wasn't familiar with everything going on. A great book about a kid navigating his parents' divorce, and his place in it. The characters are Jewish, one character, Caleb has come out as gay. 

Lisa Librarian 

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Blood City Rollers by V.P. Anderson and Tatiana Hill - ADVISABLE

Blood City Rollers by V.P. Anderson, illustrated by Tatiana Hill
, 190 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Random House, 2024. $22 

Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: PG (some same sex attraction) Violence: G 



13yo Mia has been working towards representing Romania in the Olympics since she was three-years old. A horrible fall during a competition puts her out of commission as a figure skater, but then she is kidnapped by undead roller skaters and recruited for a paranormal roller derby team made up of vampires. Mia suddenly discovers that she likes being part of a team, even if she's human and they aren't. 

It's obvious that Anderson and Hill play roller derby. The art captures the ups and downs and excitement of the game. Though vampires and roller derby seem an odd pairing, it makes for a fun story. Anyone who plays roller derby is going to love it, and it's a great introduction to the game for newbies. The characters are strong and there is obviously a sequel coming, so it will be interesting to see what happens to Mia in book two. Characters come from different ethnic groups and time periods. 

Michelle in the Middle

Table Titans Club by Scott Kurtz - ADVISABLE

Table Titans Club
by Scott Kurtz
, 224 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Holiday House, 2024. $23 

Language: G (1 swear, 0 F);  Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Valeria Winters is hoping to make a fresh start at a new school. Her mother has made her promise not to get into any more fights. She has a terrible first day of school until she is asked to join the Table Titans, the Dungeons and Dragons club. The club may not last long unless Val and her new friends can save it, which is not easy since there's a girl who seems out for revenge. 

This is a fabulous book about fitting in and friendship and the power of role-play. I love seeing Dungeons and Dragons featured in a story, and with the popularity of D&D at my school, the book should be a welcome addition. The art is bright and colorful and helps tell the story. Go Table Titans! Culture and race isn't specified, but there is a variety of skin colors in the art. 

Michelle in the Middle 

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Sherlock Society by James Ponti - ADVISABLE

The Sherlock Society
by James Ponti,
352 pages.  Aladdin (Simon and Schuster), 2024. $19 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G



12yo Alex, his older sister by a year, and Alex's two friends, Yadi, and Lina, decide they are going to solve mysteries for the summer. Zoe's grandfather even joins in, contributing his sweet journalism skills. The group they dub the Sherlock Society, begins their summer looking for the long lost treasure of Al Capone, but comes across something far more sinister as they begin treasure hunting in the Florida Everglades. 

This new series is reminiscent of City Spies, where young kids with primo skills do undercover with adult supervision. Ok, it's a lot the same. But you will forgive Ponti because he does weave a good story and this one will make a whole new generation want to become detectives just like their parents did after reading the Nancy Drew and the Three Investigators series. It's refreshing to have competent and caring adults lend a hand and the kids are likable. I am looking forward to book two. The culture or race is never specified, though Yadi uses some Spanish. 

Michelle in the Middle 

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Calculation of You and Me by Serena Kaylor - HIGH

The Calculation of You and Me by Serena Kaylor, 336 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2024. $24.

Language: R (79 swears, 1 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: G



When Josh told Marlowe they needed to take a break the summer before senior year, Marlowe expected to get her boyfriend back at the start of the school year. Instead, the break becomes a breakup because Marlowe isn’t romantic enough. Marlowe is determined to show Josh she is enough, and she begs Ashton to help her win Josh back.

The best part about this book: celebrating romance and healthy relationships. Kaylor’s characters poke fun at common tropes and point out the toxicity of romanticized relationships. Kaylor balances the real with laugh-out-loud one liners and makes a space for anyone—and everyone—to love love the way they want to love love. It was an absolute delight to read.

Marlowe has autism. Poppy is described as having “brown” skin, Hazel is described as having “dark brown” skin, and Mateo is implied Latino. Several of the main characters are part of the LGBT community, though very few are explicitly defined. The mature content rating is for underage drinking; mentions of drugs, condoms, pornography, and sex; innuendo; and partial nudity.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Puzzled by Pan Cooke - ESSENTIAL

by Pan Cooke
, 224 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Rocky Pond Books Penguin, 2024 $14 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



This is a memoir based on Pan's experiences with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). Pan is ten when his brain begins to obsess over his thoughts, and the book follows him through high school. Pan worries he will say or do the wrong thing and his fears can only be solved through exhausting rituals. He feels he has to figure out the puzzle that is him, and he isn't sure how. 

 Pan does a great job letting readers into the mind of someone coping with thoughts they don't understand. This book builds a lot of empathy for those suffering from OCD and may help a reader recognize symptoms sooner if they are going through something similar. Pan point out that it takes 11 years on average for someone to get diagnosed. Pan is from Ireland, though culture and race don't play a part in the story. 

Michelle in the Middle 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Scarewaves by Trevor Henderson - OPTIONAL

by Trevor Henderson
, 208 pages. Middle Grade Scholastic, 2023. $13 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (deaths, disappearances, monsters) 



Beacon Point is one creepy small town. Residents are generally inside before dark and there are unexplained disappearances and sightings of strange creatures. The townsfolk all avoid the nearby woods. It's a wonder anyone lives there, but the adults seem oblivious. A group of kids decide to take on the monsters and find out what's going on before they too become victims. 

Appropriately creepy, the monsters don't disappoint. There are a lot of first hand experiences with the monsters and the teens don't seem quite as traumatized as one would think. Definitely scarier than Goosebumps. You may not want to listen to monster sightings over your airwaves again. The kids come from a variety of backgrounds and culture and race are not stated. 

Michelle in the Middle 

Monday, June 10, 2024

To Love the Brooding Baron by Jentry Flint - OPTIONAL

To Love the Brooding Baron
by Jentry Flint
, 256 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. $17.

Language: PG (1 swear, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Lord Henry Northcott is followed by whispers and gossip due to the madness of his mother and sister. While Henry will do anything for his friends’ happiness, he is determined to hold himself apart—especially from his growing tendre for Arabella. His happiness is not as important as keeping his secret from gossips and friends alike.

Flint’s story offers insight into the views and treatments of mental illnesses common in the 1800s. With mental illness as an integral part of the story, this regency romance feels fresh, though beloved tropes are still in use. Though this book can stand alone, “Games in a Ballroom” by Flint involves these characters, and I was thrilled to get Arabella’s story.

The characters are English. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, kissing, and mild innuendo. The violence rating is for assault and for mentions of murder and suicide.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Deep Dark by Molly Knox Ostertag - OPTIONAL

The Deep Dark by 
Molly Knox Ostertag
, 480 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL, Young Adult Graphix (Scholastic), 2024. $17

Language: R (15 swears, 20 'F'); Mature Content: R (sex, drug use) Violence: PG-13 (blood sucking, attempted suicide/murder)



Magdalena Herrera is about to graduate from high school. Instead of a care-free year, she feels dragged down by her responsibilities of taking care of her aging grandmother, working a part-time job, and keeping a terrible secret that isolates her from friends and even family. A childhood friend, Nessa, comes back into town and Mags suddenly wants so much more than her isolated existence. 

Mags and Nessa are convincing as childhood friends who want to take their relationship to the next level. Mag's dark secret is intriguing and challenges that relationship even though her secret is bizarre. I wasn't a fan of casual sex as a way of self punishment, but it is a fast read. Mags is Hispanic and androgynous. Nessa's ethnicity is unclear, but they identify as she/her. 

Michelle in the Middle 

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Heroes of the Water Monster by Brian Young - ADVISABLE

Heroes of the Water Monster (Healer of the Water Monster #2) by Brian Young, 384 pages. Heartdrum, 2023. $20. 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (monster battles, peril) 



13yo Nathan fears his time with the Water Monsters is limited, as he is starting to feel signs of puberty. His father's girlfriend has a son, 11yo Edward, who can also see them, and Nathan asks that Edward be the guardian of Dew. Dew cannot fulfill her duties as a water monster because she don't know all the songs. Nathan gets permission for Yitoo, Dew's older sister, to mentor Dew. But first, Yitoo must find the source of the water loss - a Modern Enemy. 

I loved the magic; the battles were scary and intense and threatening, but as they were fighting monsters, there wasn't blood and guts and gore. I loved the interactions the boys had with the Holy Beings, and how they showed respect, even though they were afraid. Young is a great storyteller. I was on the edge of my seat throughout the book. I also loved that climate change was mentioned often, and the need for us to care for our resources. A terrific follow-up to Healer of the Water Monster. I'll be reading and recommending this series especially to my Native American students. Nathan and Edward are Diné, Edward is half white. 

Lisa Librarian

Friday, June 7, 2024

Something Like Home by Andrea Beatriz Arango - ADVISABLE

Something Like Home
by Andrea Beatriz Arango
, 248 pages. Random House, 2023 $18.

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G. 



11yo Laura is in foster case with her aunt while her parents are in rehab. She hopes it's only temporary, but the social worker doesn't tell her anything. Her aunt is a doctor and is very busy and she has so many rules. Laura just wants to go home. But one day she finds a dog, a pit bull she names Sparrow, and her Tita lets her keep him. Laura hopes she can train Sparrow to be a Therapy Dog, maybe then she can visit her parents at the rehab and they can be a family again. 

Andrea Beatriz Arango's novels always touch my heart. What a sweet story. Laura is going through some tough stuff - but I love the hopeful look at foster care (kinship care, as she is with an aunt), and the lessons she learns about friendship and family. There's a bit of non-translated Spanish sprinkled in - a great mirror for my Latinx kids but a reminder to me I'm an outsider, thank you Andrea for the look inside. A novel in verse, so the chapters are but one or two pages. Nice bites for an underconfident reader. Laura and her aunt are Puerto Rican, Benson is black. 

Lisa Librarian 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Mabuhay! by Zachary Sterling - ADVISABLE

by Zachary Sterling,
 240 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Graphix (Scholastic), 2023 $25.

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (fighting monsters, witches). 



JJ and Althea are Filipino Americans, their parents are immigrants and run a Filipino food truck. JJ struggles to fit in, while his sister Althea would rather be herself than fit in. They both hate working on the food truck - and when the truck is hired to cater an end of year party, thrown by the most popular girl (who is also JJs crush) the kids are horrified. But when their uncle shows up from the Philippines with news that the family is in danger, the kids find out that their mother is a powerful witch, and saving the world might have just fallen into their hands. 

The magical realism - the monster fighting side-story was a total surprise. It suddenly made Mabuhay! very exciting and dramatic - Lightning Thief lovers would find this a fun graphic novel. I liked the realistic representation of trying to negotiate school when your lunch smells different and your friends don't understand your culture. Full-color illustrations and great character representations (both in the story arc and pictures) draw the reader in, while the cultural foods, mythology, and the occasional Filipino phrase - defined on page - are a great mirror for those kids. 

 Lisa Librarian

Beneath a Crescent Shadow by A. L. Sowards - ADVISABLE

Beneath a Crescent Shadow (The Balkan Legends #1)
by A. L. Sowards
, 342 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. $23.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



The death of his father left Konstantin (19yo) in charge of their people before Konstantin was ready. With brigands destroying crops and homes, winter around the corner, and needing to pay tribute to the sultan in the spring, Konstantin doesn’t know how he can possibly take care of all his people’s needs. His grandfather arranges a marriage between Konstantin and Suzana (17yo), whose dowry will solve many problems, but is financial security worth marrying a stranger?

Sowards obviously did her homework to make her story align with history, aside from the fun fictional embellishments and drama. The history seeps through naturally, keeping readers engaged through relevant narration of politics and military strategy. Konstantin’s sense of right and wrong is challenged through his story, and I wept with him over the difficult choices he had to make.

Konstantin and Suzana are Serbian. The majority of characters are Serbs, with several Turks and Germans as well. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, illegal activity, sexual harassment, innuendo, and mentions of rape. The violence rating is for assault, miscarriage, mentions of domestic violence and suicide, battle scenes, and murder.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass by Meg Medina - ADVISABLE

Yaqui Delgado Wants to Kick Your Ass
by Meg Medina
280 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Candlewick, 2023. $20. 

Language: PG13 (20 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG13 (illustrations of making out, one while participants are on a bed); Violence: PG13 (demeaning language, also an illustrated assault where the victim is stripped of her shirt and bra) 



Piddy Sanchez started her sophomore year a month late at a new high school. Yaqui Delgado doesn't know her, and she doesn't know Yaqui, but somehow Yaqui is out to get her, and Piddy is afraid. She has a lot going on outside of school as well, her relationship with her mother is volatile, so she doesn't confide in anyone, and she thinks telling school administration will only make things worse. 

I enjoyed this graphic novel version of Meg Medina's Pura Belpre winning novel. Mel Valentine Vargas's blue and grey illustrations set a somber mood and bring the characters to life. There's a bunch of Spanish that isn't translated, but there's enough context around it that it isn't a problem. Piddy Sanchez is Dominican and Cuban. 

Lisa Librarian 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Eb & Flow by Kelly J. Baptist - ADVISABLE

Eb & Flow
by Kelly J. Baptist,
212 pages. Crown (Random House), 2023. $17. 

Language: PG (3 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG (mention of teen pregnancy); Violence: PG (fight, no blood). 



When 7th graders De'Kari (Flow) and Ebony (Eb) have an altercation in the cafeteria over Eb stepping on Flow's new shoes, both receive a 10-day suspension. Now each has 2 weeks at home to deal with the consequences and figure out how to do better. 

Except for a couple of text messages, the kids don't interact with each other during the suspension, so while I expected the fight to continue, it was more about the kids dealing with their own issues. Both characters' voices are great, Baptist writes for young black kids beautifully. Throughout the read, I kept remembering Johnson's Playing the Cards You're Dealt which would be a great companion read. Eb & Flo is a novel in verse narrated from alternating points of view, and the chapters are short. The characters are Black. 

Lisa Librarian 

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Cursed Moon by Angela Cervantes - OPTIONAL

The Cursed Moon by Angela Cervantes, 224 pages. Middle Grade, Scholastic, 2023. $19 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Rafael Fuentes has just finished sixth grade, though his failing grades means he has to take summer school. His summer goes from discouraging to horrifying when his neighbor urges him not to tell ghost stories under a blood moon. Rafael can't resist however, and tells a ghost story about the Caretaker, which seems to unleash the evil ghost and turn his scary stories into reality. 

Nice and creepy, Rafael is not only dealing with living ghosts, but the return of his mother who has been in and out of rehab for alcohol and drugs, so there are themes of family and trust issues. Interesting premise and ends on a hopeful note. Rafael and his family are Latino. 

Michelle in the Middle 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Straight Expectations by Calum McSwiggan - OPTIONAL

Straight Expectations by Calum McSwiggan,  272 pages. Union Square & Co., 2023.  $19.

Language: R (100+ swears, 27 “f”); Mature Content: R (sex education discussions, frequent sexual humor, frequent references to teenage sexual activity, portrayal of homophobia in a school setting, several instances of underage drinking, and regular references to pornography); Violence: PG (bullying)



17 yo white gay Max has always been unapologetically himself. But when you are one of only a few number of queer students in a small British community, sometimes it gets old. All Max wants to do is fall in love and have the quintessential high school experience, like all the hetero couples seem to have. One night, he gets into a fight with his best friend Dean (17 yo, black, gay) and wishes for the unthinkable - to be straight and to never have been friends with Dean. When he wakes up, Max is straight and Dean doesn't seem to exist. What is Max supposed to do in this straight (strange) new world?

I actually really liked this book, but note that it has graphic language and mature content. I felt that Max's experience being straight (the grass is not always greener on the other side) felt true. I liked seeing him come into his own awareness of self - to recognize the consequences of his actions, and eventually recognize his white privilege. I also liked how Max could see his impact. He thought everything was different because Dean wasn’t in this reality, which was part of it, but Max also had influence, just by being himself. I keep saying this, but this is why representation matters. Being yourself allows others to be their own authentic selves.

Kiera, ELA teacher #BookswithBeddes