Thursday, September 28, 2023

The Only Girl in Town by Ally Condie, - ESSENTIAL

The Only Girl in Town by Ally Condie,
336 pages. Dutton (Penguin), 2023. $20 

Language: PG (5 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



It’s an ordinary summer day, until it suddenly isn’t. July Fielding is still there, but all the life has disappeared from the world. July goes from home, to school, around town - trying to find a reason, a way out, someone else. Flipping between NOW and ONCE, we, together with July, only have bits available to piece together what has happened, puzzle out who is leaving clues for July to follow, and walk with her as she tries to find her way out. 

I can’t tell you too much, because you need to experience July’s story as Condie has laid it out. Ally has written romance, science fiction, horror, post-apocalyptic, even a picture book - but July’s story surpasses them all. 

 Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

1 comment:

Test said...

Just checked this one out from the public library, so will move it up on my list now!