Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass - ADVISABLE

The Lost Library
by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass
, audiobook narrated by Christopher Gebauer, et al. 215 pages. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan), 2023. $17. 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



5th grader Evan and his best friend Rafe have more than one mystery to solve - how did the town library burn down all those years ago and who is the mysterious author H.G. Higgins? Evan is not the only narrator of our story, though. Mortimer, the cat who ushers mice out instead of killing them, and AL, the ghostly library assistant, also have their sides of the story to tell. Usher in the little free library that appeared overnight and let the story begin. 

Another great read-aloud for upper elementary! I loved listening to this courtesy of, but I think reading it aloud would add the same charm to the telling. Evan is earnest and endearing; Al's place in the world is a mystery right to the end, and Mortimer is a cat anyone would be proud to own. The characters default white, except for the cat, which is orange. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

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