Saturday, January 15, 2022

Shock Waves by Justin A. Reynolds and Pablo Leon - HIGH

 Shock Waves (Miles Morales) by Justin A. Reynolds, illustrated by Pablo Leon, 128 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Scholastic. 2021. $13

Content: G



Miles Morales is Brooklyn’s Spider Man, and he is trying to balance school, family, and his super hero gig. A devastating earthquake hits his mother’s birthplace of Puerto Rico and he sets out to raise money for the people there. Meanwhile, there is crime afoot that seems to tie into Miles’ school and family life and even his fundraising. 

I like that Miles has a Puerto Rican background and that his mother shares stories and words from her country. It’s refreshing that Miles has a strong family and two parents. Miles makes for a fun take on the Spider hero role and even gets advice from the Queens Spider Man. There’s a nice enough wrap up at the end to be satisfying but enough loose ends to make you want to read the next installment. A fun read for Spidey fans and nonfans alike. 

 Michelle in the Middle 

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