Saturday, September 19, 2020

1919: The Year that Changed America by Martin W. Sandler - ADVISABLE


1919: The Year that Changed America by Martin W. Sandler, 190 pages. NON-FICTION  $25.  

Content: Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13.  



Six major events happened in the year 1919 including the Molasses flood, women’s right to vote, race riots, communism raids, labor strikes and prohibition.  Each event is covered in its own chapter with photographs and a detailed explanation of the historical event.  At the end of the chapter, the author relates how the event from 1919 still influences us today. 

This is a content heavy history book about a shocking time in American history.  I totally enjoyed all the information and think history teachers will benefit from the content.  There are not many students who will read this book from cover to cover, but the information is helpful and can be used as a great resource. 

Reviewer, C. Peterson      

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