Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wager by Donna Jo Napoli

Napoli, Donna Jo, The Wager. Henry Holt and Company, 2010. Pgs. 262. Language: PG, Violence: PG, Sexual Content: G
Based off a Sicilian fairy tale. During the 12th century, there was a man named Don Giovanni who was wealthy and very handsome. He was however, a spoiled brat. When a Tidal Wave causes Don Giovanni to become homeless and poor and no one will help him. Desperate, he makes a deal with devil. The deal is that he has to give up bathing and washing for 3 year 3 month 3 days in exchange for a bag of endless money. He soon learns that money isn’t everything and bathing is.
This story is a fun, unique tale with lots of twists and turns. Readers will enjoy the fractured nature of the tale, the characters, and the plot. Readers who like fantasy and fairy tales will enjoy this book. MS/HS . ADVISABLE. Reviewer: Jessica M, Library Media Specialist, Olympus Jr. High

1 comment:

Mrs. DeRaps said...

Sounds awesome. I just wishlisted it! Thanks.