Saturday, February 15, 2025

Snow by Meera Trehan - ESSENTIAL

Snow by Meera Trehan, 304 pages. Walker Books (Candlewick), 2025. $19.

Content: G (mild danger)



For years now, Karina, the Princess,  has been behind the mist, with only her father, the King, and his cruel mechanical dogs as scant company. 12yo Ela has followed her family around the world on vacations to snowy, misty spots. This time however, she finds herself in a new place altogether, with a mysterious girl (yes, the Princess), who seems to know more about Ela than she is telling. Can the two together solve the problem that eternal Snow has brought to the little kingdom?

add this to any Frozen or winter display!  Trehan paces everything quickly, and intrigue along the way as backstories come to light. A very engaging, new,  modern fairy tale.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

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