Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Homebody by Theo Parish - ADVISABLE

by Theo Parish
, 224 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Harper Alley (HarperCollins), 2024. $19 

Language: G (0 swears o 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Even as a child, Theo has didn't feel comfortable in their own body, like the home they lived in wasn't theirs. Homebody is Parish's memoir about their nonbinary gender journey to find themselves and feel at home with who they are. 

Homebody is a wonderful graphic novel, not only as a comforting read for those who may be experiencing a similar journey but also for those who may need help understanding another's need to find where they belong. Parish talks about clothing choices, hairstyles, even how they decided on a name. I wondered how this would fit in a middle school library, but as Theo is an adult for most of the book, I would certainly recommend Homebody for a High School library. Theo is white and British and non-binary 

Lisa Librarian 

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