Sunday, July 28, 2024

Magic Girls: Kira and the (Maybe) Space Princess Megan Brennan - OPTIONAL

Magic Girls: Kira and the (Maybe) Space Princess
by Megan Brennan
, 250 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL, Young Adult RH Graphic Random House, 2024. $22 

Language: G (0 swears) Mature Content: G Violence: G 



Kira is tired of being ignored so she is hoping to stand out as she starts 7th grade. Her goal to become popular involves becoming a magical girl, but her nemesis has beaten her to it. The arrival of Catacorn to Neo-Earth, a mysterious cat princess from beyond the stars might just propel Kira into the limelight she's been seeking. 

While the art is good, the coloring style makes it feel busy on the page. Kira is fairly self-centered and unlikable for a good part of the book, but there is a nice theme of friendship and what that means. On Neo-Earth there are all sorts of races and cultures. 

Michelle in the Middle 

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