Thursday, March 7, 2024

The Lucky Poor by Mazie Lovie - OPTIONAL

The Lucky Poor
by Mazie Lovie
, 134 pages.  GRAPHIC NOVEL Iron Circus Comics, 2024. $12 

Language: G (0 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



Mazie starts out at age five, describing her journey to her first home at age 13, thanks to a gift from Habitat for Humanity. Based on the author's true story, the home becomes transformative for Mazie. Even though a new home can't fix every problem, it offers a second chance for Mazie, her mom, and her autistic younger brother. 

An honest slice of life memoir that helps build empathy for the struggles of others. Nice themes of family, hope, hard work, and charity. The art is bright and colorful, if a little simplistic. May be a good guide for those considering memoir writing. Race is never specified, but there is a variety of skin tones. 

Michelle in the Middle

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