Sunday, February 25, 2024

Tangled Up In Nonsense by Merrill Wyatt - ADVISABLE

Tangled Up In Nonsense (Tangled Mysteries #2) by Merrill Wyatt, 259 pages. Margaret K. McElderry Books (Simon), 2022. $18

Language: G (0  swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG



13yo Sloane and Amelia are "famous" Youtube stars, who specialize in solving mysteries - specifically, old ones that haven't been solved. So, when they get to go to the peony enthusiast's annual competition, they get ready to upload more videos. Not because they like peonies, but because the place it's being held at is Tangle Glen, where bootlegger Ma Yaklin lost her two million dollars. While both Sloane and Amelia battle family issues, they get chased through attics, off roofs, and through forests on this exciting adventure.          

I liked the mystery (I wasn't expecting the ending), but it was kind of hard to get into at first. I haven't read many non-murder mysteries, so that's probably why - it's just I'm not used to it. Other than that it's a great book!

Sloane and Amelia are both white.

STUDENT REVIEWER E. Anderson 9th grade

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