Ethnicity is predominantly white with side characters who have umber skin and tawny brown skin.
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Curious Tides by Pascale Lacelle - MANY
Ethnicity is predominantly white with side characters who have umber skin and tawny brown skin.
Wednesday, November 29, 2023
Last Chance Dance by Lakita Wilson - MANY
Tuesday, November 28, 2023
Vaccines Change the World by Gillian King-Cargile and Sandie Sonk - advisable
Vaccines Change the World by Gillian King-Cargile, and Sandie Sonk, 192 pages. NON FICTION. Albert Whitman & Company, 2022. $11
Content: G
Vaccines have saved humans for a few hundred years, and it's all thanks to the brilliant scientists that created them. This book goes through all the stories of the scientists that helped in the creation of these life-saving concoctions and the timeline of the diseases that spurred their creation.
I think the book was very interesting. I appreciated the detail the author went into to describe the stories and scientific processes. The author included everything and tied the stories together well.
Student Reviewer, KC 9th
The Other Side of the River (Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna) by Alda P. Dobbs - ADVISABLE
Tuesday, November 21, 2023
In Nightfall by Suzanne Young - OPTIONAL
Monday, November 20, 2023
Seven Percent Of Ro Devereux by Ellen O'Clover - OPTIONAL
Looking For True by Tricia Springstubb - ADVISABLE
Looking For True by Tricia Springstubb, 273 pages. Margaret Ferguson Books (Holiday House), 2022. $19
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G (mistreatment of dog)
11yo Gladys, small for her age, quite eccentric in her dress and vocabulary use, meets Jude, also 11yo, but he is quite laid back, easy going and tries to always be obedient. Both kids live in a ramshackle neighborhood. Gladys’ mom runs a daycare and Gladys often has to help out; her dad works all day. Jude has a mother and a little brother, but no father. Jude's mother works at the rest-home and takes every shift she can get. She is always exhausted and not always very nice. Jude is mostly responsible for his little brother. A chance meeting with a neglected dog brings these two kids together. They name the dog True. They find out where the dog lives and go by to visit as often as they can. One day True is gone. They set out to find True, and when they do they decide to hide the dog in a safe place, and visit every day. They even make a schedule. Things do not go as planned and the kids panic a little, then come up with a new plan.
I loved this book; it touched my heart. Here are these two kids who really have nothing, doing all they can to save this dog. The story is told by both Gladys and Jude in alternating chapters. Gladys is extremely bright and Jude is so level headed. It really is great to see how these two, very different kids end up working together. It is great, this way you get the perspective of both the children. I would highly recommend this book. It might even want you and your children to get a dog of your own.
Ellen-Anita, Librarian
Sunday, November 19, 2023
A Season Most Unfair by J. Anderson Coates - ADVISABLE
A Season Most Unfair by J. Anderson Coates, 273 pages. Atheneum (Simon), 2023. $18
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G
Scholastica (Tick) has learned all there is to learn about the candle-making trade in 13th-century England. If she is doing all the work, and has learned all that she has, is she not a real apprentice? One day she finds a young boy at her workstation - her father's new apprentice. She is no longer allowed to help with the candle-making, just because she is a girl. Instead, she is expected to help in the house and hang out with other girls in the village. She learns that she will not even be allowed to go to the big fair in September. She looks forward to the fair all year! Will she be able to convince her father to let her come?
Life in the Middle Ages was hard for many reasons: not only for the strict roles imposed on girls and boys. The story is both interesting and captivating. I loved this book. The characters are all English. I don’t know how much your students read Middle Ages set books - but if they do read Karen Cushman, for example, they would also enjoy this.
Ellen-Anita, Librarian
The First Magnificent Summer by R. L. Toalson - HIGH
The First Magnificent Summer by R. L. Toalson, 336 pages. Aladdin Books (Simon), 2023. $18
Language: PG (4 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (first period mentioned); Violence: PG (father hits her)
12yo Victoria Reeves lives in Texas with her mom, her brother Jack, and her sister Maggie. Their parents split a couple years ago because their dad cheated on their mom. Now, the kids have to go spend the summer with their dad in Ohio, along with his new family. Victoria is excited and wants to show her dad that she is grown up now. She also brings her journals, which she loves to write in all the time. However, her summer does not go according to plan. She gets her first period, her dad doesn’t welcome her the way she expected, she misses her mom, and more.
I thought it was a really cool idea that the author chose to write this from the perspective of you reading Victoria’s journals, however that did make it slightly confusing at times but overall it worked. I also liked how there were poems, quotes, and definitions included because it made you think more deeply.
The ethnicity of the main character isn’t described, but on the cover she is depicted as white.
Student Reviewer: Sophia, 9th Grade Student
Saturday, November 18, 2023
The Sister Split by Auriane Desombre - ADVISABLE
The Sister Split by Auriane Desombre, 242 pages. Delacorte Press, 2023. $18
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G
12yo Autumn lives in New York City with her mom, her brother George, and her best friend Saskia, but when Autumn‘s mom starts to date Harrison, they decide to move to East Hammond. Autumn does not like this idea at all, so she tries to sabotage everything and make her mom and Harrison not get along. She tries everything and still nothing seems to work, not to mention having to share everything with Harrison‘s daughter.
I like how the story went along. It’s so realistic to how a 12yo or 13yo girl would act; it’s fun and dramatic and unique. While the girls explore the idea that they might like each other romantically, they realize they are just good friends. The characters default to white.
Student Reviewer: HS, 7th grade
Hope in the Valley by Mitali Perkins - OPTIONAL
Hope in the Valley by Mitali Perkins, 291 pages. Farrar Straus Giroux (Macmillan), 2023. $18.
Content: G
Since her mother died, 13yo Pandita has snuck over to the abandoned house across the street where they used to play and Pandita left notes for her mother after her death. Pandita wants to save the home, but her older sister is all about tearing it down and building affordable housing. Summer was supposed to be fun, but her older sisters have enrolled her in drama camp, where she has to see her former best friend every day. Plus she’s had a falling out with Mr. Marvin, the elderly man she has been sharing her love of poetry with. And while her new friend, Leo, is a bright spot, his family can’t actually afford to stay in the valley.
Supposedly the book is set in the 80’s, but there is only a little bit of 80’s feeling to the book. Pandita’s parents are from India, but the most Indian thing about it is the food. Mitali Perkins is usually so spot on with her writing - but this, I felt, falls short of its potential.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Friday, November 17, 2023
The Nighthouse Keeper by Lora Senf - ADVISABLE
The Nighthouse Keeper by Lora Senf (The Clackity #2), 300 pages. Atheneum (Simon), 2023. $18.
Content: G (mild danger)
12yo Evie promised her aunt she wouldn’t go through any more magical doors without backup. And as soon as she promises, the same day she has to break that promise. Though, to be fair, she was mesmerized and tricked. Now on the Dark Sun Side again, Evie hopes that she can solve the mystery of Blight’s missing ghosts - and maybe find a clue to what happened to her parents. The Nighthouse Keeper is out to bend Evie to her will, but perhaps with the help of Lark, a ghost, she will be able to find some answers.
I had a harder time loving this one as much as the first. Evie’s mistakes were much more obvious this time and her ending was more deus ex machina. The Nighthouse Keeper is nowhere near as scary as The Clackity, but I am sure Clackity will be back in force in book #3. Oh yes - Evie has very good reasons for another trip to the Dark Sun Side.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Code Red by Joy McCullough - ESSENTIAL
Code Red by Joy McCullough, 228 pages. Ateneum (Simon), 2023. $18.
Mature Content: G (talk of menstruation, some bullying about periods)
13yo Eden was an elite gymnast until she had a severe injury that derailed her Olympic hopes. Now she is adapting, or not adapting to middle school. When your mother, who owns a large period product company hijacks career day, it is hard to keep a low profile. An accident gets Eden and another girl, Mirabel, suspended for a few days and Eden is introduced to Mirabel’s exciting extended family, to the world of having less, and to activism. Eden would love to have period products available free to all - and her initiative gets picked up by Mirabel’s older sister - putting Eden into direct conflict with her mother.
Eden's mom is a great example of someone who thinks they have it all and is completely failing at being a good parent and sometimes even a good human - but without being too much of a cartoon villain. I empathized with Eden as she broke her mother’s outrageous punishments in order to be a better human, and a better friend. A great book about social justice, activism, families - so many things. Eden defaults white while Mirabel’s family is Latinx.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Thursday, November 16, 2023
The Umbrella House by Colleen Nelson - ADVISABLE
The Umbrella House by Colleen Nelson, 218 pages. Pajama Press, 2023. $19
Content: G
12yo Roxy and her best friend Scout are eager to enter their YouTube channel EaVillKids, where they report their East Village neighborhood happenings, in a contest to win a documentary made of an idea they submit. Life is all too real for Roxy, who is raised by her grandmother in Umbrella House, a reclaimed tenement building. Developers have their beloved building in their sites and the local Council may side with the developers. Roxy wishes that the Midnight Muralist, who was big in the East Village in the 1980’s could come to save the day this time, too.
Roxy’s enthusiasm is fun to experience and she has moments of stretching and growing, especially with her relationship with her best friend. A good way to inspire young people to see that they can influence their world. Umbrella House is a real place in NYC’s East Village and the tenants acquired the building just as described - though Roxy and the Midnight Muralist are not real people. I missed any reference to ethnicities within the book.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Forget Me Not Blue by Sharelle Byars Moranville - ADVISABLE
Forget Me Not Blue by Sharelle Byars Moranville, 264 pages. Holiday House, 2023.
Content: Language: G (0 swears 0 ‘f’) Mature Content: PG (adult alcohol issues); Violence: PG (adult flashes gun.)
5th grader Sofie and her older brother 13yo Con are used to taking care of themselves. Their beautiful mother is also unreliable and easily distracted. Tommy, Mom’s boss tries to keep an eye on them and bring them food. And one day Mom’s grandfather shows up - he’s newly out of prison and working to keep himself clean. One day Mom stays away longer than she ever has before and the kids are sure something is very wrong. And even when she does return - will she manage to stay with them or has she committed crimes for which she needs to atone?
From the cover of this book, you would assume that it is about a girl with some social anxiety who spends a lot of time in a swimming pool. Nope - has to be one of the worst cover choices I’ve seen since The View From Saturday. This book deserves a bigger audience - it will stay with me for a while. But almost no student will pick this up voluntarily. The ending for Sofie is a bit deus ex machina. I will buy this for my library because of the important issues it covers - plus I sometimes get requests from our counseling center for novels that touch on certain issues - such as alcohol addiction and parents in prison.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Wednesday, November 15, 2023
The Hurricane Girls by Kimberly Willis Holt - ADVISABLE
The Hurricane Girls by Kimberly Willis Holt, 288 pages. Little Brown, 2023. $22
Content: G
Three girls were born around the time of Hurricane Katrina. Greer, Joy Mia, and Kiki are now 7th graders and best friends. But Greer’s younger sister was in a terrible accident while Greer was watching her and is now confined to a wheelchair. Greer has given up her beloved running and is grieving and dealing with her enormous guilt for her sister’s new life. The other two hatch a plan for the three of them to enter a team triathlon for kids - even though Kiki, who has a swimming pool, doesn’t know how to swim; and Joya Mia has never ridden a bicycle. Each of the girls has challenges and struggles to conquer, but right now they are not even sure if their friendship will survive.
A lovely book about the power a solid friendship can lend to each member - while looking at the near disasters that can occur when we hide our pain and don’t receive support and guidance from those we love. JoyaMia’s Latinx family is the most visibly ethnic - the others seem to be white.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams by Daniel Nayeri - OPTIONAL
The Many Assassinations of Samir, the Seller of Dreams by Daniel Nayeri, 224 pages. Levine Querido, 2023. $22
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (some fighting, talk of assassination)
When Samir rescues “Monk” from the monks who want his blood, Monk becomes Samir’s “monkey” servant. In order to win his freedom, Monk must pay off his debt. Considering how many people want Samir dead, Monk decides that each time he saves Samir’s life, that erases part of the debt. There is a beautiful girl amongst their fellow travelers that Monk also wants to impress. As they travel along the Silk Road, danger - because of Samir - lurks around every corner.
Nayeri’s writing feels like a modern fable or myth - but it is one that passed right by me. I can see students reading this as part of a class, but not sharing it with each other as a great read.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Tuesday, November 14, 2023
The Scarlet Veil by Shelby Mahurin - MANY
Nothing Else But Miracles by Kate Albus - ADVISABLE
Nothing Else But Miracles by Kate Albus, 288 pages. Margaret Ferguson (Holiday House), 2023. $18
Content: G
12yo Dory lives with her older (17yo) and her younger brother in a small apartment in New York City. Dory’s mother is dead and her father is away fighting during WWII. The families within their apartment and others extended through the neighborhood are very supportive of the children while their father is away. However, when a new landlord arrives, the kids are in trouble - if he finds out they are alone, the family will be split up into the foster system. But Dory has an idea. Maybe they can find a way into the abandoned and sealed hotel above their favorite restaurant!
I love Dory’s spunk and ingenuity. And I love that the narrator has included some particular asides, breaking the fourth wall with the reader. Good look at life in NYC in the 1940’s and lots of tension and adventure to move the story along. While I would love to rate this ESSENTIAL, I know that historical fiction is not a huge draw usually. Dory and her family are white, and their neighborhood is diverse.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Monday, November 13, 2023
Top Story (Front Desk #5) by Kelly Yang - ESSENTIAL
Top Story (Front Desk #5) by Kelly Yang, 304 pages. Scholastic, 2023. $19
Content: G
Mia is excited to be in San Francisco’s Chinatown for journalism camp at the Chronicle. Even though it occupies her winter break, she is ready to go. Plus her best friend Lupe is attending her own mathematics camp across the bay at Berkeley and Mia’s mom is getting for her first major mathematics lecture - IN ENGLISH! The other kids at camp are older than Mia, and some of them are influencers, who seem to have more pull with the editors. If Mia and the other token diverse campers want to be heard, they are going to have to find a way to tell their stories on their own.
I love that along the way Mia learns even more about the history of Asians migrating to the US. I liked that Yang wove these incidents (Angel Island, internment camps, racist laws) into the narrative without feeling intrusive. I feel this book in particular could stand alone, even if it is #5, and be used to spark many class discussions. Yang also gives each of her diverse characters room to bring in their own cultures.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Of Jasmine and Roses by Jill E. Warner - ADVISABLE
Of Jasmine and Roses by Jill E. Warner, 256 pages. Covenant Communications, 2023. $16.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G
Too Indian to be English, Anna (23yo) has found herself a position as a governess, making her too much of the help to be a lady’s niece and too much of a superior to be the help. With so much experience as an outsider, Anna thought she could help her two charges navigate the newness of their positions in society, but she struggles to help make a place for them where she has never fit. And the attention of Mr. Thaxton makes placement that much more complicated.
Though Anna’s story is set in the 1800s, her experiences with racism are real and relevant, making this historical romance much more than a fluff read. Racism is an arbitrary reason to not like someone, and readers can feel that as they look at the world from her perspective. Anna thinks to herself that “she really should have been used to these kinds of slights, but being used to something didn’t make it hurt less,” and no one should have to get used to consistent, hurtful treatment.
Anna is Indian-English. The rest of the characters are English. The mature content rating is for mentions of alcohol.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Bean: The Stretchy Dragon by Ari Stocrate - OPTIONAL
The House That Whispers by Lim Thompson - ADVISABLE
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (main character is nonbinary or a transgender boy, but is not out to anyone); Violence: G
11yo Simon (who has not told anyone that in his head he refers to himself as Simon and uses he/him pronouns) is headed with his sisters to Nanleen’s house for a week while his parents stay behind and “talk”. Simon is worried about Nanleen because she has started to forget things and he thinks the house may be haunted. As he investigates what he thinks is a ghost, he learns about his great-aunt Brie, who no one in the family talks about - for reasons that may be similar to what Simon himself is going through.
I like that Thompson took a risk to fold a story about gender identity into a book that is more about past family drama. It is a nice mix for an issues book. SPOILER ALERT: this is not a ghost story - the haunting is all the haunts of unresolved family problems both past and present. I think that will disappoint some kids who pick it up for the cover and the title. Simon is white.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
Atana and the Firebird by Vivian Zhou - OPTIONAL
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG
The mermaid Atana lives alone on her island, contenting herself with reading about the world—until the night a firebird falls from the sky. Ren, the firebird, has heard stories about Earth and wants to see everything. But the world is not just beauty and books.
Unknown adventure becomes a quest, acquaintances become best friends, and generosity becomes a trap. Life is full of surprises, and, like our heroines, we make the best decisions we can. Sometimes that looks like leaving our islands for adventure and sometimes that means standing our ground. The illustrations are simple and beautiful.
The characters in this world are depicted to be diverse. The mature content rating is for partial nudity, and the violence rating is for fantasy violence.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Saturday, November 11, 2023
The Mystery of the Radcliffe Riddle by Taryn Sounders - ESSENTIAL
Content: G
Grady had no idea that he was related to crazy Eudora Klinch, the old lady who walked around their town with a shovel, constantly mumbling to herself. Eudora has left Grady a tapestry that supposedly leads to a treasure that was forgotten long ago. Grady thinks nothing of it until someone tries to break into his house. And when someone dies because of the tapestry, Grady and his two best friends decide they must solve this mystery once and for all. Grady and his father are doing so poorly, that they are about to lose their home and will be forced to move out of town; maybe this treasure will save them.
Solid addition to a mystery collection. Grady is pretty clever and he and his friends are resilient, imaginative, and persistent. While the slasher type murder mystery that most kids are drawn too, kids who like kids solving less deadly mysteries will enjoy this.
Grady is white, one of his best friends has red hair, and the other is Black; however, ethnicity doesn’t play any part in the book.
Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS
unOrdinary by uru-chan - OPTIONAL
unOrdinary (Volume 1) by uru-chan, 336 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. HarperAlley (HarperCollins), 2023. $20.
Language: R (27 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG13
In a world where the social hierarchy is enforced by the powerful abilities of those on top, it’s a miracle that John, a zero, survives high school each day. John doesn’t believe the hierarchy is right. But, without fighting back, how can one boy prove the system wrong?
The illustrations are very well done, and uru-chan does a lot to help the flow of reading go smoothly through each panel. Volume 1 lays out several different pieces for readers, and it will be interesting to see how they all come together in future issues. However, there is a difference between a twist in a story and being lied to, and I feel like I, as a reader, was lied to, which does not endear me to the story.
The majority of characters are depicted as white. The language rating is also for several censored expletives, including 7 f-words. The mature content rating is for partial nudity. The violence rating is for assault, blood, fantasy violence, and mentions of murder.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Friday, November 10, 2023
Dawnshard: From the Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson - OPTIONAL
Sense and Second-Degree Murder by Tirzah Price - ADVISABLE
Thursday, November 9, 2023
You're Not Supposed to Die Tonight by Kalynn Bayron - MANY
17yo Charity helps run a summer camp where a classic slasher movie was filmed; now, the camp helps reenact the horror of the movie for guests. However, what starts as a fun summer quickly turns into a nightmare when Charity and her coworkers realize someone really is out there who wants them dead. As Charity and her girlfriend fight to survive, they must face the history of the camp and the horrors that have been waiting for years.
This has all the elements of a classic slasher film. I loved that Charity recognized all the cliches of horror and wouldn't allow that to happen to her. Readers will love the fast pace of the story as it picks up and the plot twists, but it is incredibly violent so be warned if that's not for you. Charity is black, and her girlfriend Bezi is alluded to being Black as well.
Lisa J HS ELA Teacher
The Voice Upstairs by Laura E. Weymouth - MANY
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
The Lotus Flower Champion by Pintip Dunn and Love Dunn - OPTIONAL
The Haunted Mansion: Storm & Shade by Claudia Gray - MANY
Tuesday, November 7, 2023
The Scarlet Alchemist by Kylie Lee Baker - MANY
White Bird by R.J. Palacio, with Erica S. Perl - ADVISABLE
Monday, November 6, 2023
Covet by Tracy Wolff - HIGH
Coyote Lost and Found (Coyote Sunrise #2) by Dan Gemeinhart - ADVISABLE
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Teacher's Pet by Nicole Andelfinger and Claudia Aguirre - ADVISABLE
Bone: More Tall Tales by Jeff Smith and Tom Sniegoski - HIGH
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Misfit Mansion by Kay Duvault - ADVISABLE
Silverwing by Kenneth Oppel - ESSENTIAL
Friday, November 3, 2023
Hope Wins by Rose Brock - ESSENTIAL
Hope Wins by Rose Brock, Editor, 195 pages. NON-FICTION. Philomel (Penguin), 2022. $18