Ibbotson, Eva The Reluctant Heiress, 325 p. Speak (Penguin), 2009, 1982. $10
Content: G
Guy was a rough and tumble youngster who grew up challenging and protecting everything around him with equal fierceness. Now, at the end of WWI, he has a made a fortune and the woman of his dreams, for the last ten years, is a widow and ready to accept his hand in marriage. As a wedding present he has bought her a castle near Vienna and brought in a theater company to perform for all of their guests. What he doesn’t know, however, is that the castle’s princess, now impoverished, is working for the company, and she is the one who is destined to be his love.
In the 1980’s, Ibbotson wrote several romance novels basically variations on the same theme – impoverished royal girls who are in dire circumstances who will fall in love and be rescued and restored to their former glory. The books and easy on the eyes and while romantic, do not contain the trashy romance that is usually associated with the genre. At $10 each, they are a good way to satisfy the romance lovers in your crowd.
Cindy, Library-Teacher.
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