Monday, October 28, 2024

Perfect Girl by Tracy Banghart - ADVISABLE

Perfect Girl by Tracy Banghart, 304 pages. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan), NOV 2024. $20

Language: R (100+ swears, 13 “f”); Mature Content: PG-13 (kidnapping, drinking, making out mentioned); Violence: PG-13 (druggings, dead victims implied, lots of fear)



Something is going on with Jessa’s good friend Tiny and Jessa, the good girl, is desperate to bring together her girlfriends to see if they can get through to Tiny to help her. Their slumber party night attracts unwanted guests - not only Jess’s brother, who knows better, but Tiny’s controlling boyfriend, and the creepy neighbor who also goes to Jessa’s school. It also turns out to be the night of a giant storm that knocks out power and phones all over. Then Jessa is kidnapped - and enters into a totally different kind of nightmare.  Someone thinks Jessa is the perfect girl and has gone to great lengths to groom her into the perfect wife. Jessa has had enough!

Fans of a Good Girl’s Guide to Murder and such should enjoy this psycho-fueled romp. Not quite a middle school library book, though. Bummer. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Forest Keeper: The True Story of Jadav Payeng by Rina Singh - ADVISABLE

The Forest Keeper: The True Story of Jadav Payeng by Rina Singh, illustrated by Ishita Jain. BIOGRAPHY PICTURE BOOK. NorthSouth, 2023. $18.95. 9780735845053



In 1979, 16yo Jadav’s community along a river in northeast India experienced a large flood and the aftermath left piles of dying river snakes along the hot sandy shores. Saddened by what he saw, he rushed to the village elders and begged them to plant trees along the banks to hold the land more securely and give much needed shade to the wildlife. The elders thought it hopeless. The forest department was also not willing to help but did give him some seeds to plant trees himself. Thus began a life-long project that has grown into a flourishing forest alive with birds, rabbits, deer, rhinos, and tigers, and is even part of a migration corridor for a herd of more than 100 elephants.

I have read this book several times, and each time, I am more and more inspired by the story. Jadav faced numerous obstacles, had to come up with creative solutions he could implement himself, and spent years consistently exhibiting hard work and perseverance. Working in isolation and complete anonymity until 2009, his efforts have created a thriving piece of wilderness where before was a “wasteland”. The quietly inviting illustrations include spreads with panels or surrounded with white space as well as spreads that are filled edge-to-edge with color. This problem-solving man’s story is worth sharing with anyone interested in our natural world and our place in it.

Reviewer: P.K. Foster, MLS, elementary school teacher-librarian

Destiny Finds Her Way: How a Rescued Baby Sloth Learned to Be Wild by Margarita Engle - ADVISABLE

Destiny Finds Her Way: How a Rescued Baby Sloth Learned to Be Wild by Margarita Engle, photographs by Sam Trull, 32 pages. NON-FICTION. National Geographic Kids, 2023. $16.99.

Language: G; Mature Content: G; Violence: G



Baby Destiny was found under a tree by people kind enough to call an expect. She was separated from her mom, hungry, weak, and sick. Scientists at a sloth rescue center in Costa Rica took her in. They named her and nursed her back to health, though her one eye never healed. For the next couple years, Destiny was taught skills she’d need to survive in the wild, such as what to eat, how to take potty breaks, how to climb trees and move from tree to tree, and how to stay hidden. This narrative animal rescue story is endearing, accessible to readers just starting to read to learn, and well-illustrated with great photos. The back matter includes notes from the author and photographer, a map of sloth habitat, sloth facts, and additional resources.

Reviewer: P.K. Foster, MLS, elementary school teacher-librarian

Diet Soda Club by Chaz Hayden - ADVISABLE

Diet Soda Club by Chaz Hayden, 320 pages. Candlewick, 2024. $19

Language: PG-13 (35 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G



15yo Reed does all that he can to keep it together.  After his Dad dies, his mother has only barely kept it together, especially in light of his 10yo sister Beatrice dealing with life-long spinal muscular atrophy and all of its related issues. Then Mom disappears with a new boyfriend and Reed has no one to help him with Beatrice AND no money, either. Reed tries increasingly risky schemes to bring in some cash so that he and Beatrice can eat, pay the rent, survive. And he pulls Helena Shaw, who used to be his best friend, into his schemes. He doesn’t trust Helena, not only is she a very uptight student body president, but he feels betrayed by her from long ago.

This is another book where the main character is only 15, but what he is involved in feels more 17-ish. The cover and title does it no justice - they give no clue to the disaster in the making that awaits inside. I will have to find that one student willing to read it who will then tell others about it.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Saturday, October 26, 2024

For She is Wrath by Emily Varga - OPTIONAL

For She is Wrath
by Emily Varga
, 400 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2024. $20.

Language: R (20 swears, 4 “f”); Mature Content: R; Violence: PG13



After being framed and wrongfully imprisoned, Dania let her anger grow with every passing day and failed escape attempt. Noor has been planning her quiet escape longer than Dania, but Noor’s careful tunnel was dug in the wrong direction. With the girls working together, they vow to get out and get revenge.

The first half of this book is a fantasy version of The Count of Monte Cristo, which adds an element of fun in comparing the two and seeing how Varga built upon the original vengeance story. One of the biggest differences stem from the roles of Dania’s betrayers and how interactions with those characters force Varga to take the second half of the story in different directions than Dumas took his. The heart of the story is about the cost revenge demands, whether we are willing to pay it, and whether it’s possible to ever take it back.

Dania is described as having “brown” skin. The mature content rating is for illegal activity, kissing, innuendo, mentions of drugs and sexual harassment, nudity, and sex. The violence rating is for assault, blood and gore, mentions of torture, and murder.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

All the Jingle Ladies by Beth Garrod - ADVISABLE

All the Jingle Ladies by Beth Garrod, 352 pages. Scholastic, 2024. $12 (paperback)

Language:G  (3 swears,  0 “f”); Mature Content: G (kissing only); Violence: G (none)



15yo Molly Bell hates Christmas.  Well, really she hates the viral song and video her parents recorded when she was 5yo.  She wants to be a songwriter - but that kid of sell-out song. Now that song is in the hot new romcom for the Christmas season and Molly’s family has been invited to the premiere. Disaster strikes and when Molly hides in a closet, she finds it already occupied by a very hot boy - and they’re locked in. 

Cue all kinds of secrets, misdirection, hijinks, and romantic gestures. Plenty of pages for fun and drama.  I kind of forgot that Molly is only 15 - the situation reads more like a 17yo.  But it is all so cute, that it won’t matter. Great for any holiday romance display.

Molly is white; Jay is depicted as black on the cover (I did not pick that up from the book); there is a side LGBT romance brewing.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

The Factory by Catherine Egan - OPTIONAL

The Factory by Catherine Egan, NOV 2024. $9 (paperback only)

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (kids are punished by spending extra time in their pods)



8th grader Asher is lucky to be one of eight new kids chosen to join a top secret experimental program. As the secret love child of an important senator, Asher told again and again how lucky he is - especially because his mother is in trouble with some very shady characters and this will help her get out from under her debt. From the very beginning Asher finds the experiment to be suspect - they teens are immersed in fluid and it feels like something vital is being pulled from their bodies. Asher is determined and desperate to expose the experiment.

Egan has set this in a dystopian near future.  In flavor it reminds me a lot of Will Sleator’s science fiction from the 1990’s.  Since it is only in paperback, I may buy it and see how it does in the short term.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Friday, October 25, 2024

The Dark! Wild Life in the Mysterious World of Caves by Lindsey Leigh - ADVISABLE

The Dark! Wild Life in the Mysterious World of Caves by Lindsey Leigh
. 98 pages. NON-FICTION Penguin, 2024. $16 9780593662595 



Everything you wanted to know and didn't know you wanted to know about caves, from cave bugs to cave leeches. 

 This is a look at the animals that live in the world's most shadowy spaces. Fully illustrated with bright colors and fun art, this book will appeal to anyone who has an interest in caves. The information is laid out logically and in an entertaining manner that will suck in readers. A great way to present nonfiction! 

Michelle in the Middle 

Wild Wave by Rodman Philbrick - ESSENTIAL

Wild Wave by Rodman Philbrick, 194 pages. Scholastic, 2024. $19. 9781338882315

Content: G (mild danger)



Middle schooler Nick is at the local nature preserve working on a final assignment before school lets out for the summer when first an earthquake and then a tsunami hits. Running into the nearby forest, Nick barely survives, along with Jess, a popular girl from his school who gives tours at the refuge. Through all the chaos, the debris, the danger of forest, the two are hoping they can find a way out.  Things become even more desperate when they find a boat that has been flung into the trees with their science teacher and her husband aboard.  If their teacher doesn’t get her medication, her life will become very dire indeed.

Philbrick just gets better and better at weaving his disaster/survival stories. He keeps the tension high, without resorting to gimmicks and tricks. Hatchet is still popular in middle school and the length is perfect for any reader.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Dear Dad by Jay Jay Patton - ADVISABLE

Dear Dad by Jay Jay Patton
, 128 pages. Graphic Memoir Graphix (Scholastic), 2024. $15 

Content: G



Jay Jay's dad has been in prison for as long as she can remember. She has tried to stay in touch with letters and an occasional phone call, but it's been difficult. Now her dad is coming home but they have to move. Jay Jay's life is about to change a lot. 

 Since this is a memoir, the feelings are genuine. Even though the situation is difficult, the message is positive. Jay Jay and her father were able to develop Photo Patch-an actual app that helps connect children to incarcerated parents. Jay Jay doesn't dwell on the negative, but focuses on moving on. A good read for kids in a similar situation or to build empathy. Jay Jay and her family are black. 

Michelle in the Middle  

Swimming with Spies by Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger - ADVISABLE

Swimming with Spies by Chrystyna Lucyk-Berger, 288 pages. Scholastic, DEC 2024. $19

Content: G (mild danger)



12yo Sofiya loves working at the dophinarium with her father in 2014 Sevastopol, Ukraine. Her Russian mother left them behind a few years earlier, so it is the two of them. While she loves school, she and others in her classes are bullied by the children of Russian citizens living in their city. Then as tensions grow between Russia and Ukraine, Sofiya is committed to saving the dolphins and others from being re-conscripted into the Russian army as spies and saboteurs. 

Lucyk-Berger brings another aspect of modern war to light in her novel based on true events. While the connection to 2014 is not spelled out in the story, the back matter explains things more clearly. I have students who love Skrypuch’s Ukraine novels, so I will be pointing them in this direction.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Curve and Flow by Andrea J Loney and Keith Mallett - ESSENTIAL

Curve and Flow: The Elegant Vision of L.A. Architect Paul R. Williams by Andrea J Loney, illustrated by Keith Mallett. BIOGRAPHY PICTURE BOOK. Random House Kids, 2022 $19 9780593429075



The setting is the early 1900's in Los Angeles. Paul Williams plays with his other immigrant friends and loves to draw, especially buildings. He dreams of being an architect but his guidance counselor thinks otherwise being black and an architect don't go together. He decided he won't let the wall of racism get in the way. He goes to college and after graduation takes classes at 5 different schools to learn the latest architecture techniques. Paul becomes so famous that people like Frank Sinatra and Lucille Ball ask him to design their houses. The ironic thing is he can design them but he's not allowed to live in them.

The detail in this story is remarkable and the storytelling is engaging. The illustrations are full of emotion and expression. They do quote the school counselor saying the "N" word, and yet it's culturally appropriate for the time. I truly enjoyed this book. All races and genders are represented especially in the immigrant children at the beginning of the book.

Emilee-Teacher Librarian

And Then, Boom! by Lisa Fipps - ESSENTIAL

And Then, Boom! by Lisa Fipps, 244 pages. NOVEL IN VERSE Nancy Paulsen (Penguin), 2024. $18.




11yo Joe knows all about the And then, …BOOMs” that can flip life on its head. He used to live with his Grandmum in a gingerbread-like house. And then his mom is arrested, skips her bail and BOOM!  Joe and Grandmum are living in her car. The kindness of a friend helps them find a place in a mobile home park.  And then … BOOM! Grandmum gets sick.

Joe may only be 11yo, but his story will resonate with so many kids - kids living on the edge and kids of any age who have developed empathy. I’ve read it twice now - not tired of it yet.  A great gentle look at the importance of foster families, too.  So much here that will live in your heart.

Joe is white and he has multi-ethnic friends.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Eighteen Vats of Water by Ji Li Jiang and Nadia Hsieh - ESSENTIAL

Eighteen Vats of Water
by Ji Li Jiang, illustrated by Nadia Hsieh
. BIOGRAPHY PICTURE BOOK. Creston Books, 2022. $19. 9781954354067



Xian loved watching his father, the most famous Chinese calligrapher in all of China.  For Xian to study calligraphy he had to wait until he was 6 and then he could become his father's student.  He became his father's apprentice and his father explained that "No one can become a great artist without working hard."  In order to be an expert you have to fill up 18 vats of water and as the years go by you will become a master calligrapher.

This book is so charming and I was excited to show it to my Chinese teacher to use for her class.  The illustrations look like they have been done with a paint brush that is used to create Chinese characters.  It is beautifully done. All the people in this book are Chinese.

Emilee-Teacher Librarian

Out of My Dreams (Melody #3) by Sharon M. Draper - ADVISABLE

Out of My Dreams (Melody #3) by Sharon M. Draper, 298 pages. Atheneum (Simon), 2024. $19. 

Content: G



When Melody’s reclusive neighbor has a medical issue right in front of her, Melody figures out how to communicate with 911 and get her the help she needs.  And it turns out this person is actually pretty important - a former movie star! After a TV appearance with her new friend, Melody is gifted with a trip -- to LONDON! Nervous and excited, Melody prepares for her first plane trip - new sites, new friends, and new challenges await.

The story of Melody’s trip and her challenges in light of her own personal challenges are very interesting to view.  I love her new friends who love and care for her as she is. The last part of the book about the special gathering of teen inventors and thinkers feels less than the rest of the book - kind of shoehorned in.  And right before that scene, is another scene meeting some famous people that is not addressed again and I must admit, that was the story I was really waiting for. Regardless of my personal hang-ups, I still enjoyed watching Melody succeed.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Monday, October 21, 2024

Let Us March On! by Yohuru Williams, illustrated by Xia Gordon - ADVISABLE

Let Us March On! by Yohuru Williams, illustrated by Xia Gordon. NON-FICTION, BIOGRAPHY PICTURE BOOK. Atheneum (Simon), 2024. $19. 9781665902786

Content: PG (gentle, but honest about the horrible things done to black people - back matter is more detailed)



James Weldon Johnson was a brilliant black lawyer, teacher and poet.  When he spoke people listened.  Terrible things were being done to the black communities, and he had a brilliant idea for a silent protest down a New York City street.  Ten thousand black children and adults marched silently with signs about equality and fairness, protesting hatred and violence while 25 thousand people watched.

Most of us are extremely saddened by the injustices of the past, and Williams relates a positive tale of a historic black hero.  The beautiful poem that he wrote is provided to us at the end of the story as well as more detailed information about the Silent Protest Parade. Simple yet visually strong illustrations strengthen the message.


The Loneliest Place by Laura Senf - ADVISABLE

The Loneliest Place (The Clackity #3) by Laura Senf, 348 pages. Atheneum (Simon), 2024. $18. 

Content: G (mild scares)



Since her last trip to the Dark Sun Side, Evie has known that she must go back.  She can keep her aunt in the dark, but other, more supernatural, friends know she is going and have gifted her with some important advice and items to aid her. The Clackity, however, is determined to thwart Evie’s search for her parents and somehow cause Evie to fail so that she will be his prisoner forever.

I have been highly invested in Evie’s story since the beginning. While #2 was a bit chaotic (not in a good way), #3 is much better.  And satisfying.  While not Stephen King level horror, but great suspense and thrills.

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Sunday, October 20, 2024

I Will Follow by Eireann Corrigan - ESSENTIAL

I Will Follow by Eireann Corrigan, 272 pages. Scholastic, 2024. $14

Language: G (8 swears, 0  “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13 (kidnapping, drugged, handcuffed)



Shea Davidson is a TikTok influencer and she will tell you exactly how many followers she has. Nora is Shea’s number one fan and it seems to her Shea’s numbers and content are slipping.  Nora is sure she is the only one who can save Shea.  If only Shea knew that Nora existed, that is.  Nora has a plan - even if it does involve a mild case of kidnapping.

You know, you think that Nora’s behavior is so out there that it can’t be real.  But, fans have done really weird things to their object of fandom in the past and in our current day (think John Lennon, David Letterman, stalkers of all sorts now). Nora’s behavior is not so far-fetched. Corrigan has a good thriller here at a time my students are really absorbing the genre. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

A Bite Above the Rest by Christine Virnig, - OPTIONAL

A Bite Above the Rest by Christine Virnig, 307 pages. Aladdin (Simon), 2024. $18. 

Content: G (mild bullying)



6th grader Caleb knows his new town is weird - who wants to dress-up in a Halloween costume all year long? His new best friend Tia loves it, but she is willing to believe Caleb when he thinks there is something very fishy about the whole town. Are werewolves and vampires real?  Are they running town hall and other stores? Caleb has an idea for exposing them once and for all and making Samhain safe for normals.

I am not fully invested here. Caleb seems to be afraid of the creatures around him just to be afraid of them - there is no evidence of mysterious disappearances or deaths around Samhain - which sounds like prejudice to me. No real scare factor here, either. The only bright spot is the very last chapter - a set up for book #2, where intolerant Caleb may get his comeuppance!  That I am looking forward to.

Caleb is white on the cover; Tia is depicted as Black. 

Cindy, Middle School Librarian, MLS

Saturday, October 19, 2024

The Gentleman’s Confession by Anneka R. Walker - OPTIONAL

The Gentleman’s Confession
by Anneka R. Walker
, 288 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. $18.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G



Independent Jemma (23yo) has never needed a man, but, when the grandmother who raised her is dying and makes Jemma promise to get married and fall in love, Jemma isn’t opposed to the idea. She doesn’t want to be alone. So Jemma asks the town’s meddling matrons to find her a match, but it will still take courage to accept it.

If you want awkward-but-funny encounters, tearful truths that are said but not heard, and pieces that fall unrealistically and perfectly into place, it is all here. Repressed feelings and self sacrifice permeate the pages of Jemma’s story—on both sides of the romance—and the melodrama is endless. Overall, it was a fun read with a happily ever after.

The characters are English. The mature content rating is for kissing.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen