Monday, September 16, 2024

A Window into the Ocean Twilight Zone by Michelle Cusolito - OPTIONAL

A Window into the Ocean Twilight Zone
by Michelle Cusolito
, 140 pages. NON-FICTION. Charlesbridge Publishing, 2024. $19. 9781623543020



An account of a 24 day research trip to study the deepest part of the ocean known as the ocean's twilight zone. The author details the day to day life on the ship, how they weathered the storms, the scientific equipment used, the experiments done, and the discoveries made. 

Cusolito writes a book is full of great photographs of their research trip. The writing style is approachable and interesting. I liked that the human side of the trip was detailed along with the scientific parts. Students who love the ocean will find this book very interesting.

Reviewer: A. Snow, Librarian 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman - ADVISABLE

When We Flew Away by Alice Hoffman, 304 pages. Scholastic Press, 2024. $20.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



Before Anne Frank started writing in her diary, she lived a—mostly—normal life. Sure, her family fled to the Netherlands when Germany started imposing extra rules onto those of Jewish descent, but Anne (10yo) loved going to school and got into arguments with her mother and talked through math class. Until the night everything changed.

Hoffman flits between the whimsical Anne with poetic imaginings and the heavy facts of regulations on the Jewish people and death statistics. This fictitious prequel to The Diary of a Young Girl paints every member of Anne Frank’s family with mercy. Anne’s diary shows the difficulty that Anne had with her relationships with her mother and older sister, and Hoffman suggests that each of these characters could still have been motivated with love as they struggled to deal with this difficult time.

Anne and her family are German and Jewish. The mature content rating is for mentions of alcohol and illegal activity. The violence rating is for assault, death, and mentions of war, hate crimes, bombing, holocaust, and concentration camps.

Review: Carolina Herdegen

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Impossible Creatures by Katherine Rundell - ADVISABLE

Impossible Creatures (Impossible Creatures #1) by Katherine Rundell, 334 pages. Knopf Books (Random House), 2024. $20.

Language: PG (4 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG



When his dad has to go on a work trip, Christopher ends up visiting his grandfather in Scotland until his father returns. Christopher is finally entrusted with the family legacy from his mother’s side and is immediately called upon to fulfill his duties. The invisible islands keeping every mythical creature safe from humankind is losing magic, and Mal needs Christopher’s help to save it all.

Heartfelt in every way—from laughter to tears—readers are caught up in the magical quest to save the Archipelago with Christopher and Mal. No obstacle will stand in their way as they push forward to their goal one step at a time. Also, the illustrations are beautifully done, bringing both familiar and unfamiliar mythical creatures to life.

Christopher is British, Mal is described as having “olive” skin, and Irian is described as having “brown” skin. The mature content rating is for alcohol use. The violence rating is for blood, assault, fantasy violence, and murder.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Giga Town: The Guide to Manga Iconography by Fumiyo Kouno - OPTIONAL

Giga Town: The Guide to Manga Iconography 
by Fumiyo Kouno
, 132 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Udon Entertainment, 2024. $13.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G



Kouno has put together a collection of short manga comic strips, like newspaper comics, that give examples of different visual cues used in manga to convey additional information. Some of the symbols give clues to the readers about what a character is feeling or what time of year it is. Laugh at these cute personified animals and learn something along the way.

If I’m being embarrassingly honest, I didn’t understand all of the jokes made in the cute little comic strips. Some of them were funny, but mostly I was looking for context for the symbols being used. Kouno explains the different nuances of symbols used if they have multiple meanings, and it was fun to learn some of the cultural reasons why the visual cues are what they are. This guide is intended for a very niche audience and is a quick read for anyone interested.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

So True a Love by Joanna Barker - OPTIONAL

So True a Love
by Joanna Barker
, 256 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. $17.

Language: PG (2 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG



Three months ago, everything changed for Verity (21yo) and she put the work she loved as a private investigator behind her. But then Verity is with her best friend, Elizabeth, when her family is robbed at gunpoint. Elizabeth is overly distressed and begs Verity to help her, so, despite her reservations, she takes on one last case.

Maybe Verity gets a little sidetracked from the investigation, and maybe readers do too, because of the adorable romance that runs into her when she least expects it. The heart of the book is that Verity is afraid to go after the things that she wants because wanting something opens her up to vulnerability, which is a struggle everyone can relate to. Her story is a reminder that, while everything may not go according to plan, ruined plans do not mean that there is no happy solution. Keep trying.

The characters are British. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, illegal activity, innuendo, mild sexual harassment, and kissing. The violence rating is for assault and gun use.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Lady Flyer by Heather B. Moore - ADVISABLE

Lady Flyer
by Heather B. Moore
, 416 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2024. $28.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG



Nancy Harkness fell in love with flying at a young age and got her pilot’s license when she was 16 years old. A few years later, she became the 54th woman in the United States of America to have a commercial pilot’s license, and Nancy continued to work hard for a career in aviation. When WWII started, Nancy passionately started lobbying for female pilots to help with flying jobs in America to free up the men to go to war, but opposition arose at every step.

With our modern-day freedoms, it’s easy to forget that we stand upon the shoulders of people like Harkness who fought for equality. It is also fascinating to see how these pilot pieces fit into the history of WWII and shaped our ability to win that war. I never knew that these pieces were part of the puzzle, but Harkness and those who worked with her were key players. The story is bittersweet with all the losses felt even amidst the celebration of the end of the war, and the happy ending comes when we recognize that the reality of women in the workforce today, especially in regard to aviation, owes credit to Harkness’s determination.

Nancy is depicted as White on the cover, and the majority of characters are implied White. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, innuendo, and mentions of sexual harassment. The violence rating is for death and for mentions of war and suicide.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Monday, September 2, 2024

Between Two Sounds by Joonas Sildre - OPTIONAL

Between Two Sounds
by Joonas Sildre
, 224 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL, BIOGRAPHY. Plough Publishing House, 2024. $26.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG



Arvo Pärt, world-famous Estonian composer, studied and wrote in a Soviet environment. Those circumstances hindered his ability to be heard, but did not change his ability to compose according to the ways he felt inspired. Ignoring those who would silence him, Pärt continued to chase his dreams to create.

In this graphic novel biography, readers get to see the sounds that affected Pärt and how his compositions affected his audiences in a way that teased my eyes into hearing the music throughout the book. The illustrations and overall message are inspiring, though the story itself feels choppy as readers jump through scenes of highs and lows in Pärt’s life.

Most of the characters are Estonian. The violence rating is for mentions of war and bombs.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Sunday, September 1, 2024

This Book Kills by Ravena Guron - OPTIONAL

This Book Kills
by Ravena Guron
, 368 pages. Sourcebooks Fire, 2024. $12.

Language: PG13 (26 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



Hugh (17yo) and Millie are the it couple of their private school, which makes their public breakup even more of a spectacle. But then Hugh ends up dead—the exact same way that Jess (16yo) imagined the murder in her short story for a class assignment. As questions and accusations fly, Jess’s scholarship is put on the line, and she goes digging for the truth herself.

The whole murder mystery is a convoluted mess for the characters trying to solve the case, which was enjoyable as the reader trying to put the pieces together with them. Guron made the scenario feel pretty realistic with all the red herrings that have to be waded through and with the ways real life and biases get in the way of teenagers attempting to investigate murder. My only disappointment is that the perpetrator seems to come out of left field instead of being revealed in an aha moment that makes everything click.

Jess is Indian-British, and Lucy is undefined but also non-White, with the rest of the characters implied British. Summer is gay, and Hattie is bi. The mature content rating is for kissing, underage drinking, partial nudity, and illegal activity. The violence rating is for assault and murder.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen