Saturday, February 22, 2025

Clairboyance by Kristiana Kahakauwila - OPTIONAL

by Kristiana Kahakauwila
, 288 pages. HarperCollins, 2024. $20.

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G Violence: PG (mean nicknames, some bullying, a physical fight) 


Since the beginning of this 6th grade year, Clara has felt like an outsider. Her drawings of her summer spent on the mainland with her father brought teasing from the popular girl, a mean nickname for Clara, and the loss of her best friend, Leo. She loves living in Hawaii with her grandmother Tūtū, but with no friends at school, she wishes her dad would just let her move in with him in Phoenix. Tired of the teasing of the bus, Clara tells a family heirloom she wished she knew what boys were thinking, suddenly, her wish is granted. 

I was intrigued by the premise and expected Clairboyance to be funny. It's a serious story about family, culture, loss, grief and change. There were a lot of Hawaiian words and phrases, as well as English spoken in the Hawaiian dialect. With no glossary or help provided, it's certain Kahakauwila wrote Clairboyance for a Hawaiian reader.  While I think the average student would enjoy the story, I struggled with the code switching and worry that young readers will too.

Lisa Librarian 

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