Agnis had a busy, yet normal life. Her beloved father travels a great deal and is dearly missed while away. She gets along with her siblings, as well as anyone does. Her mother is strict, but loving. She would never trade her life for another. Then she is suddenly awoken by her father, who is supposed to be traveling, and told to run and meet them at the Whells. Agnis misunderstands and goes to the old wells. There she waits and waits. No one comes. She witnesses vandals enter her house, ransack it, and burn it to the ground. She waits until all sign of life has gone and goes through the ruins to see if anything has survived. Finding her parents' old, forbidden, trunk she breaks the lock and takes what she finds inside. There is an old book that mentions something about a group called the Forbidden. Her parents' names are mentioned among the members. Were her parents involved in a secret society? Agnis decides she must find her parents and thie book holds the answers. Her decision begins a journey across the waters to find out who would want her family harmed and why.
This is an exciting novel filled with magic, intrigue, and romance. This is the author's first published work and the story leaves the reader anxiously awaiting a sequel. The romance is light and sweet. The violence is mostly from wild animal attacks. This novel would be considered a clean adventure fantasy.
MS/HS ADVISABLE Allison Madsen~Youth Services Librarian-SJO Public Librarian