Language~G, Sexual Content~G; Violence~PG
When readers last saw Torak, he had been branded as a Soul Eater. He must keep this tattoo hidden or he will become an Outcast. After a heated argument with a member of the Boar Clan, Torak’s tattoo is revealed. Now as an Outcast anyone of any tribe that comes across Torak, must kill him. He attempts to remove the tattoo, but the remaining three Soul Eaters are still after him. Torak becomes soul-sick and begins to drive away everyone he cares about even wolf.
Paver continues to deliver outstanding storylines that hold the reader tightly until the end. Readers will be begging for her next installment.
Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian
When readers last saw Torak, he had been branded as a Soul Eater. He must keep this tattoo hidden or he will become an Outcast. After a heated argument with a member of the Boar Clan, Torak’s tattoo is revealed. Now as an Outcast anyone of any tribe that comes across Torak, must kill him. He attempts to remove the tattoo, but the remaining three Soul Eaters are still after him. Torak becomes soul-sick and begins to drive away everyone he cares about even wolf.
Paver continues to deliver outstanding storylines that hold the reader tightly until the end. Readers will be begging for her next installment.
Allison Madsen~Teen Librarian-SJO Public Librarian