Language: PG-13 (couple of "f" and a few assorted, Sexual Content: G, Violence: G
Roni, Lora-Leigh, and Jenna thought college was not going to be fun. Each one didn't know that they would soon be best friends. They start going to sorority meetings to find out which one they liked best of all. Scared that they may be rejected, they figure out that it was also the thrill of their lives. But Roni, Lora-Leigh, Jenna are in a tight spot, Omega or Zeta? This book was very cute! I loved how it made you wonder what was going to happen next. It makes you want to be excited for college life. Student Reviewer: CW
Harmon, Kate Sorority 101: The New Sisters, 256p. Penguin Group-

Roni, Lora-Leigh, and Jenna have just found out that they are new Zeta Zeta Tau sisters. They are ecstatic about it, yet all of them have other things to deal with. Jenna has to control her Diabetes and balance her schedule. Roni has to let go of her parents dislike towards her choices in life. Finally, Lora-Leigh has to settle the argument with her mother. Can they do that and Zeta Zeta Tau? A great sequel to the first. You couldn't stop reading because you wanted to know what happened. The book was like a drug to me that I couldn't let go of.
Student Reviewer: CW
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