Saturday, November 28, 2009
Claim to Fame by Margaret Haddix

Everwild by Neal Shusterman - ESSENTIAL

Content: PG (Violence).
Nick has released all of the spirits that were under Mary Hightower’s control; the monster the McGill has been reformed into a young man, Mikey, who is content with being Allie’s companion – but there is so much more to Everlost than any of these four suspected. Now they all will set out on different journeys into the Everwild – and discover new groups of lost spirits, new enemies and new challenges – even if the main focus is still the struggle between Mary and Nick and the inevitable second confrontation between them.
Don’t be sad folks – there is more to come in this clever series. I, for one, can’t wait!
MS, HS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Troll’s Eye View by Ellen Datlow and terri Windling

Datlow, Ellen and Terri Windling Troll’s Eye View: A Book of Villainous Tales, 176 p. $16.99. Content: G. Datlow and Windling have collected another series of must read short stories, this time with a new look at the villains in classic fairy tales. My personal favorites are Garth Nix’s retake on Rapunzel as a major annoyance in The Unwelcome Guest and Catheryne M. Valente’s A Delicate Architecture, a very clever look at the origins of the witch in the story of Hansel and Gretel. Most of these stories could be fleshed out and published as a full-length novel in their own right. MS – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld - ADVISABLE

Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, 439 pages. Simon and Schuster, 2009. $19.99.
Violence: PG
Alek, the son of Archduke Ferdinand, is on the run for his life after the murder of his parents by rebels. If Alek can learn to pilot the huge mechanical Stormwalker, he and his protectors may just escape into safety in Switzerland. Deryn, a girl, has disguised herself as Dylan, a boy, and put herself forward for the British Air Service. After a disastrous first flight, she now finds herself aboard Leviathan – a giant genetically-engineered airship that was created by Darwinist. When Leviathan is shot down near Alek’s mountain hideout, the two teens will meet and disaster will ensue with rescue, perhaps, shortly behind.
This strange alternate history of mechanical monstrosities on the German side and genetically-engineered creatures on the British side makes for a very different read for fans of Westerfeld’s other two series. Science fiction is not as popular as fantasy or horror, but I hope those that pick this up will find that they really enjoyed it. Personally, I can’t wait for the next in the series – I have some thoughts as to where this may be going. Cross your fingers!
Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Tempest Rising by Nicole Peeler

Peeler, Nicole Tempest Rising, 368 p. Orbit. 2009. Language: R (75 swears, 15 “f”); Sexual Content: R (described sex). 20-something Jane True doesn’t fit into society in her tiny hometown of Rockbill, Maine, especially since the death of her fiancĂ©e a few years earlier. But no one, nit even Jane, really knows how much different Jane actually is, because from her mother’s side Jane is only half-human. And someone is out to kill half-humans and Jane has just entered the hit list. Only with the intervention of Rockbill’s other otherworldlies will Jane be able to solve the mystery and save her own life. This book is definitely for adults, not for schools. Lots of fun, great twist on the detective novel. PUBLIC ONLY. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Strike a Pose by Deborah Gregory

Gregory, Deborah Catwalk: Strike a Pose, 293 p. Delacorte (Random), 2009. $8.99. I really tried to sit down and read this book about a school dedicated to all aspects of the fashion industry- but between the weird, obvious names, the name-dropping, the ridiculous mannerisms and the inside-jokey slang I just couldn’t get past the first 50 pages. This is obviously not a style of writing that I understand; I'd love to hear some other, well articulated opinions. NO. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Watch Me Throw the Ball! by Mo Willems

Friday, November 27, 2009
Violet Wings by Victoria Hanley

My Vicksburg by Ann Rinaldi

Shooting Star by Frederick McKissack Jr.

McKissack Frederick, Jr. Shooting Star, 272 p. Atheneum (Simon), 2009. $16.99. Language: R (100+ swears, 15 “f” – at the point I stopped counting); alcohol abuse. Football reigns supreme in Jayson and Jomo’s hometown. Jayson plays with his whole heart, while Jomo isn’t always sure that he wants to be there. The boys are two of only 28 black students at their high school and on one hand Jomo’s friends tell him he is too white and the other hand tells him he sticks with “his own kind” too much. When Jomo decides to commit himself to football, he decides that juicing is the way to go. Now his life is spinning completely out of control – just as the football is coming together. Another books about the dangers of steroids in high school sports – unfortunately the language is so raw, that it is inaccessible for many schools and students. Point your boys to Gym Candy by Carl Deuker instead. NO - Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Million Dollar Throw by Mike Lupica

Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev

Mantchev, Lisa Eyes Like Stars, 356 p. Feiwel, 2009. $16.99. Beatrice Shakespeare, 17, has lived most of her life within the walls of a very important Theater – a Theater that contains the essences of every character from every work performed within its walls. Beatrice has always been a bit rebellious, but she has reached her last chance – and unless she can prove herself valuable to the Theater, the Manager has decided that it is time for her to go. The cover is very eye-catching, Beatrice is highly amusing. Beatrice’s world is so fantastical, that your hard-core fantasy readers will really enjoy the experience. It will work best in a large, active collection. MS, HS – OPTIONAL. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Fire by Kristin Cashore

The Crown of Earth by Hilari Bell

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Cupcake Queen by Heather Hepler

Clash of the Demons by Joseph Delaney

Barbie and the Three Musketeers by Mary Man-Kong

Prairie Winter by Bonnie Geisert

Geisert, Bonnie Prairie Winter, 218. Houghton Mifflin, 2009. Language- PG (3swears, 0 ‘f’), Sexual Content-G; Violence-G. Rachel and her family live on a farm in South Dakota in 1952, that is the year of there worst winter. Rachel’s family is not one known, as normal, her dad will not let them have a phone, a TV, and makes them do everything old fashioned. When a huge problem strikes, it makes Rachel and her sisters wish they had a phone. Prairie Winters is one of the best books I have read in a while, and it makes you wonder what you would do if you lived in Rachel’s family during that winter. EL/MS/HS- ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: MM
The Well Between the Worlds by Sam Llewellyn - ESSENTIAL

Language: G; Violence: PG; Mature Content: G
Ocean's Child by Christine Ford

Cromwell Dixon's Sky-Cycle by John Abbott Nez

Two at the Zoo by Danna Smith

Pumpkin Town by Katie McKy

Glamsters by Elizabeth Cody Kimmel

Mail Time
Hi Cindy,
Thank you so much for posting a review of Shampoodle and Knuckleheads on Kiss the Book! This is a wonderful blog and the archives and rating system make it an excellent resource for libraries and schools. And you've been blogging books since 2003! That has to make you one of the earliest book bloggers around--or one of the earliest bloggers period. Very cool. I mentioned your site to my friend who teaches 2nd grade in San Francisco, and it turns out she's already a fan. I'm glad I found you, too. Kiss the Book is actually a good resource for authors who're researching book content as well. (From Cindy - I did tell Joan that while we have been posting reviews on the internet since 2003, this particular blog has only been going since 2006)
My name is Pat Bauer and I'm the author of B is for Battle Cry: A Civil War Alphabet. My husband, Dave Geister, is the illustrator. We want to thank you for your positive review of our book on your blog. It was truly a labor of love for us, both because we're passionate about the topic and because we love to work together. I am a middle school history teacher in my "real" life . . . and I also give many workshops on using picture books to teach about American history.
I wanted to let you know that if you go to Dave's website (davidgeister.com) you can listen to and/or download the music for the book. Several friends and I recorded "Hard Times Come Again No More", "Hard Crackers Come Again No More" and I also sing the poems in the book. I wish that this information had been in the book, but it didn't work out that way. We always include bookmarks that give this information when we do book signings. Sleeping Bear Press also has a teacher's guide (website is on the back of the book) that mentions the music. Dave and I often do performances of the book with a different set of friends who play 19th century music, and we all wear our Civil War-era costumes. We hope to get a recording of that on youtube in the near future.
Again, thank you so much for the review!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Egg Drop by Mini Grey

Under the Snow by Melissa Stewart

While children play in the snow, underneath it animals are resting for the winter. Snakes rest in holes, tunnel-digging voles, salamanders sleep, and woodchucks lie deep.
Full of animal facts and lovely painted illustrations.
EL-ADVISABLE. Samantha, Public Librarian.
Mind Your Manners, Alice Roosevelt! by Leslie Kimmelman
The Crimson Dynamo Returns! by D.R. Shealy

Princess Hyacinth: (The Surprising Tale of a Girl who Floated) by Florence Parry Heide
Flight of the Phoenix by R. L. LaFevers
A Brief History of Montmaray by Michelle Cooper
Princess and Fairy by Anna Pignataro

Caterpillar Caterpillar by Vivian French

Saturday, November 21, 2009
The Maze of Bones by Rick Riordan

One day Dan and Amy Cahill's grandma dies and there grandma leaves them a secret message about there family. They are part of the most powerful family in the world! They give up two million dollars in exchange for one clue. They are put in a dangerous race against other powerful Cahill family members who will do anything to win the most powerful prize in the world. I really enjoyed this exiting and mysterious book. I never wanted to put it down.
EL- ESSENTIAL. Student Reviewer: SO.
100 Girls by Adam Gallardo

The Comet's Curse by Dom Testa

Triana Martell is one of two hundred fifty one teenagers being sent into space as humanities last hope. When comet Bhaktul passes earth it leaves a deadly virus that kills anyone over the age of eighteen. To save humanity scientist's send two hundred fifty one teenager's into space with the knowledge and tools to survive.
I really liked this book. I would recommend this book to anyone. It was well written and it was still an easy read.
MS,HS - ESSENTIAL, Student Reviewer-MP
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Green Witch by Alice Hoffman

Frog in Space by Tedd Arnold

Dark Night by Dorothee De Monfreid - ADVISABLE

On a dark night in the woods, a little boy is scared by a succession of monsters, until an encounter with a little rabbit gives him the tools he needs in order to make it home safely.
De Monfreid’s switch on the typical monster story is fun to read – from beginning to end.
EL (K-3) – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Arthur’s Reading Trick by Marc Brown
Monster by A. Lee Martinez

My Little Red Fire Truck by Stephen Johnson

Help get the fire truck ready to fight fires in this interactive board book. Each page has removal tools and spinning parts to simulate the firefighter’s job. WAY too much fun! Probably not for schools, but definitely for a gift.
PARENTS – ESSENTIAL. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
NASCAR’s Greatest Drivers by Angela Roberts

Big Frog Can’t Fit In by Mo Willems

Big Frog is really just too big. No matter how he squirms and twist, he can’t fit within the pages of the book. With sole help from some little friends, however, there may just be a solution. Big Frog is awfully cute and so is her book. There are just so many cute pop-up (Willems call this a “pop-out”) books this season – every child you deserves one just for them.
PreK – ADVISABLE. Cindy, Library-Teacher.
Who are the People in Your Neighborhood?

Tink’s Treasure Hunt by Melissa Lagonegro

Barack Obama: Out of Many, One by Shana Corey

Thanks a LOT, Emily Post by Jenifer Huget

Guess Again! by Mac Barnett

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Revenge of the Itty-Bitty Brothers by Lin Oliver - OPTIONAL
Content – G
In the third book in the Who Shrunk Daniel Funk series, Daniel has learned how to control his shrinking by giccuping (mix of hiccup, burp, and gargle). Daniel likes to shrink on demand to escape his many sisters and hang out with his newly discovered toe-sized twin Pablo. Pablo and Daniel stow away on model rockets for an exciting launch. All goes well for Pablo and his parachute, but Daniel’s parachute doesn’t deploy. He crashes in La Brea Tar Pits and must make his way out before he becomes the smallest fossil.
The ink illustrations help propel the story along and each chapter begins with an interesting Funkster fact. Purchase title if the series is popular at your library.
EL-OPTIONAL. Samantha, Public Librarian.