Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Blade Breaker (Realm Breaker #2) by Victoria Aveyard - MANY

Blade Breaker (Realm Breaker #2)
by Victoria Aveyard
, 592 pages. HarperTeen, 2022. $10 

Language: R (10 swears 2 'f');  Mature Content: PG-13 (passionate kissing; implied sex, no details); Violence: R (bloody deaths)



17yo Corayne and her mismatched crew are reeling from the battle to close the Spindle as they observe dead Galland soldiers and sea serpents surrounding them. As they move on, forty Ibal soldiers approach and tell the crew they have orders from their king to take Corayne to him, and the crew travels along because they’re staying together. The group has no idea what to expect when they meet the Ibal king. Erida continues to take kingdoms by force with the help of Prince Taristan and wizard Ronin, both of whom are occupied by the demon What Waits, and when she kills a fifteen-year-old princess, she gains another kingdom. A new Spindle is found and when Corayne reaches it to close it, she discovers a trap. Will evil or good conquer the realm? 

I love the world-building and the character development. I enjoyed the intensity of the conflicts. I appreciate how this book and series feel like an epic fantasy. The characters are described with various shades of skin from pale to brown. 

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

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