Stork, Francisco X. Irises, 288 pgs. Arthur A. Levine Books, 2012. Language PG (2 swears); Sexual Content PG-13 (very mild, but enough that I wouldn't give it a PG rating); violence G.
Mary, 16, and Kate, 18, are left alone when their Reverend father dies of a heart attack at the beginning of the novel. For two years their mother has been in a vegetative state, hooked up to a feeding tube. Left without their restrictive father, both girls must figure out what they want for their future, discover their faith, and decide if they will stick together or go their seperate ways.
I didn't think this was Stork's finest work. In all honesty, I thought it rather boring. I skimmed the last third just so that it was finished. The theme of religion is a major part of this book, as is self-discovery. If you have an audience for those topics in your library, then this would probably be a necessary buy. Otherwise, not so much.
HS-OPTIONAL. Rebekah, youth services public librarian
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