Bachorz, Pam Candor, 256. EgmontUSA, 2009. Language - PG; Sexual Content - PG; Violence - PG; The Community of Candor is perfect. Beautiful, quiet, and the children never misbehave. Candor is controlled by subliminal Messages that are controlled by founder Mr. Banks. His son, Oscar, student-body president, straight-A student, and all around nice guy, pretends to be like every other student, but in reality he's fighting to keep his life his own.
I thought this was an okay book. How the messages control the community is disturbing and the ending is drepressing and it was rather slow overall. I didn't believe in Oscar's love of Nia so everything he did for her didn't ring true for me.
HS - OPTIONAL. Rebekah, Public Librarian
I thought this was an okay book. How the messages control the community is disturbing and the ending is drepressing and it was rather slow overall. I didn't believe in Oscar's love of Nia so everything he did for her didn't ring true for me.
HS - OPTIONAL. Rebekah, Public Librarian
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