Vaught, S R and Redmond, JB Oathbreaker: Assassin's Apprentice, 374 pgs. Bloomsberry, 2009.
Language - PG (7 swears, 0 "f"), Sexual Content - G; Violence - G;
Aron, a 14-year-old farmer boy, is scared of Harvest. Harvest is when members of Stone go out to collect boys and girls to learn the way of Stone, and it's tomorrow. When members of Stone show up to test Aron, his two sisters, and six brothers, Aron is chosen and is no longer part of his own family. He has to leave everything and everyone he has ever known for the unknown.
I love this thrilling tale of adventure. I love the excitement and the sorrow and the characters and everything else between the covers.
MS, HS - ADVISABLE. Student Reviewer: CH
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