
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Time to Roll by Jamie Sumner - ADVISABLE

Time to Roll (Roll with it #2)
by Jamie Sumner
, 201 pages. Atheneum (Simon and Schuster), 2023. $18

Content: G



12yo Ellie has never been one for pageants, but when her best friend Coralee enters the "Little Miss Boots and Bows" pageant and wants Ellie to participate as well, she goes against her dad's wishes (he thinks something is up because why would they want someone in a wheelchair), forges her mom's signature (mom is on her honeymoon), and borrows the $75 entrance fee from Mema (who doesn't ask questions). Ellie isn't worried about what the adults think, however, the competition puts a strain on her relationship with Coralee. 

I love Ellie so much, she is resilient, funny, and independent. I love how Ellie often points out that she's fine, and her chair isn't the problem people think it might be. I loved the pageant, and wondered about the organizer's intentions myself - I wonder if a middle-grade reader would, too, or if that's a mom/adult thing? Although Time to Roll is second in the series, it is not necessary to have read Roll with It first. A darling read. Ellie and Coralee are white. 

Lisa Librarian 

A Whole Song and Dance by Sarvenaz Tash - ADVISABLE

A Whole Song and Dance
by Sarvenaz Tash,
295 pages. Hyperion Teens (Disney), 2023. $19

Language: PG13 (37 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG13 (Kissing while on a date, underage drinking); Violence: G (microaggressions) 



Nasrin wants to be a star on Broadway - and her dreams are starting to come true. She's a freshman in NYU's theater program, and she's landed a role in a streaming musical that has gone viral. However, her parents think she was accepted to business school at NYU, and that she is there pursuing their dream, of having a daughter who graduates with an MBA. Nasrin is living a successful lie, but when her parents surprise her by moving to New York, Nasrin has to bring up her grade in the one business class she's taking. Enter Max - the TA for the class and part-time tutor, he can help, but she will have to be honest with him, and ultimately honest with herself. 

Musical theater kids will love A Whole Song and Dance. Each chapter is titled after a show tune lyric, there's lots of Broadway chatter, and it really felt like New York. I loved her best friend (a gay former child actor who was also trying to make it big on Broadway - usually I feel this is stereotypical, for a boy interested in theater to be gay, but it worked well here) and I loved how she felt like she could do everything and still keep it together - a common sentiment of the young actress, myself included.  I didn't like the character of her cousin, who came from Iran to go to school, and mostly partied. It created unnecessary drama.  Still, a darling, clean romance. Nasrin and her parents are Iranian Americans. 

Lisa Librarian 

Friday, September 29, 2023

Champion of Fate by Kendare Blake - ADVISABLE

Champion of Fate (Heromaker #1) by Kendare Blake, 480 pages. Quill Tree Books (HarperCollins), 2023. $20.

Language: PG13 (11 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



The Aristenes are powerful, nearly immortal women who help mortals become heroes in order to win glory for their goddess. As a child, Reed was found and saved by Aster, an Aristene, and Reed has been training to become one herself ever since. Now Reed (16yo) will have to prove herself worthy of becoming one of them by leading her first hero into glory.

Reed’s story is a tragedy from the beginning, making readers desperate for anything good to make up for it. Through the highs and the lows, readers celebrate and cry with Reed as she goes to war beside her hero. Blake makes readers think about what glory is and hints at the lurking underside of glory that comes at a difficult price. The conclusion is satisfying, but Reed’s story isn’t finished.

Skin colors mentioned are varied. The mature content rating is for alcohol use, innuendo, and partial nudity. The violence rating is for blood, murder, and fantasy violence.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen 

Whiteout by Dhonielle Clayton - OPTIONAL

Whiteout by Dhonielle Clayton
, et al, 304 pages. Quill Tree, 2022. $20. 

Language: R (87 swears, 1 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



It’s snowing in Atlanta, GA! Stevie only has until midnight to deliver the perfect apology to her girlfriend Sola, but the snow wants to make that impossible. She will need the help of all of her friends to accomplish her goal - but each of her friends have their own romantic story awaiting. 

Stevie’s story anchors the other short stories in this collection by Clayton and her friends. Light and charming - perfect in paperback - a beach read, even if it is a snowy tale. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS  LGBT

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Christo and Jeanne-Claude Wrap the World by G. Neri and Elizabeth Haidle - ESSENTIAL

 Christo and Jeanne-Claude Wrap the World by G. Neri, illustrated by Elizabeth Haidle. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Candlewick, 2023. $19. 9781536216615 



After Christo and Jean-Claude met and fell in love, their lives, their art and art in general would never be the same. They were fascinated by wrapping things, starting out early with wrapped objects that could then be bought as art. But soon graduated to only temporary wrappings, that could be briefly enjoyed and then disappear forever. Their work brought controversy and delight wherever they were revealed, with only one installation ever being permanent. 

Oh, oh! I never saw a Christo installation in real life, but there are pictures and articles all over the internet to research and enjoy and discuss. Perfect for any art class. I love that Neri gave Jeane-Claude equal time and credit, as she was important to the work as Christo was, she just happened to die first.

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

The Only Girl in Town by Ally Condie, - ESSENTIAL

The Only Girl in Town by Ally Condie,
336 pages. Dutton (Penguin), 2023. $20 

Language: PG (5 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



It’s an ordinary summer day, until it suddenly isn’t. July Fielding is still there, but all the life has disappeared from the world. July goes from home, to school, around town - trying to find a reason, a way out, someone else. Flipping between NOW and ONCE, we, together with July, only have bits available to piece together what has happened, puzzle out who is leaving clues for July to follow, and walk with her as she tries to find her way out. 

I can’t tell you too much, because you need to experience July’s story as Condie has laid it out. Ally has written romance, science fiction, horror, post-apocalyptic, even a picture book - but July’s story surpasses them all. 

 Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton - OPTIONAL

Blackout by Dhonielle Clayton
, et al, 256 pages. Quill Tree, 2021. $13 (paperback) Language: R (100+ swears, 9 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



A group of friends and acquaintances is scattered across NYC - getting ready for a block party that night. But suddenly the power goes out. Now the party needs a generator, now some a stuck, some are determined. Each story of black love and friendship carries the promise of love. 

Clayton and friends weave short romance stories together, with Clayton’s story providing the structure. Some of the connections are tenuous - and the last story doesn’t bring everything to a satisfying conclusion - only bits of threads loosely joined, instead of woven into a whole. But my need for cute romance stories was satisfied. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS  

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

That Flag by Tameka Fryer Brown and Nikolas Smith - ADVISABLE

 That Flag by Tameka Fryer Brown, illustrated by Nikolas Smith. PICTURE BOOK. Harper, 2023. $19. 9780063093447 



Bianca and Kiera are best friends at school, but Kiera, a black girl, is not allowed to go to Bianca’s house, because her white family flies a confederate flag in front of their house. The girls don’t understand their parents’ disagreement about the meaning and history of the flag, until their class goes to the Southern Legacy Museum and Kiera starts to understand. She doesn’t know if their friendship can survive her new knowledge. 

An excellent way to talk to any student about the tension all Blacks feel when they see the confederate flag, and the naivete of whites who still defend it. Great for a history class on any level. Young kids will most likely not understand it on their own - it should be read with a trusted adult. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS

What's Inside a Caterpillar Cocoon? by Rachel Ignotofsky - ESSENTIAL

What's Inside a Caterpillar Cocoon? And other questions about Moths and Butterflies by Rachel Ignotofsky
. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Random House, 2023. $19. 9780593176573 



Ignotofsky uses her distinctive illustrative style and her straightforward text to apply her magic to teaching us about caterpillars and moths. A few main text words on each page and tons of little facts to explore in the background. 

 Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Ten-Word Tiny Tales to Inspire and Unsettle by Joesph Coelho and 21 artist friends - OPTIONAL

Ten-Word Tiny Tales to Inspire and Unsettle by Joesph Coelho and 21 artist friends
. PICTURE BOOK. Candlewick, 2023. $19. 9781536231359



Coelho has created 21 stories, each told in only ten words, each also illustrated by a different illustrator. Many of the illustrations speak to a young audience, but many of the tales have a macabre twist to the words. I’m going to hand this off to my 7th grade ELA teachers to get their students to weigh in with their opinion. I’m not completely sold on the idea. I promise to update the review once the students have spoken!

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Shannon in the Spotlight by Kalena Miller - ADVISABLE

Shannon in the Spotlight
by Kalena Miller
, 264 pages. Delacorte (Random House), 2023 $17.00 

Language: PG (5 swears, 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G (mother and grandmother argue a lot). 



12yo Shannon is usually on the tech crew at the summer community theater, but this year, when the director overhears her singing during auditions, he encourages her to try out. When the cast list is posted, not only does Shannon make the show, but she is cast in the part her best friend wanted. 

Shannon in the spotlight is more than a "let's put on a show" story. Shannon has OCD, constantly washing her hands, obsessively putting on chapstick, and fearing that her feet are going to touch something dirty. I liked wondering when her compulsions were going to conflict with rehearsal or even the show. There's a cute romance, too - totally appropriate for a 12yo, and some great friend drama. Shannon is white, but other characters are a variety of races and cultures. 

Lisa Librarian 

What Happened on Hicks Road by Hannah Jayne - HIGH

What Happened on Hicks Road
by Hannah Jayne
, 320 pages. Sourcebooks Fire, 2023. $9 

Language: R (27 swears 2 'f'); Mature Content: PG (implied drug use; kissing) Violence: PG-13 (hit and run) 



A group of friends drives to Hicks Road one dark night for some spooky fun. When 17yo Lennox sees a blonde girl dart in front of her car and she feels the thump of a hit, she stops the car to look for the girl. Her friends reassured her that it must have been a deer and that they didn’t see anything. Lennox is worried that she’s becoming schizophrenic like her mother and starting to hallucinate. Being new in town, Lennox doesn’t know her friends well at all and when they tell her over and over that she didn’t hit a person, she believes them. 

I like how the author created the uncertainty of whether or not the main character is reliable. The setting is wonderfully spooky. The unstable family life of the main character is an interesting part of the story. Allison has tanned skin. Implied white characters. 

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Chaos & Flame by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland - MANY

Chaos & Flame by Tessa Gratton and Justina Ireland
, 336 pages. Razorbill (Penguin), 2023. $20

Language: PG-13 (11 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (implied sex, no details); Violence: PG-13 (bloody death)



The prophetic High Prince Regent Caspian has drawn and painted pictures of a girl who he sees needs saving. His mother dies and then his aunt Aurora keeps his abilities hidden so the kingdom won’t think he’s unstable. 17yo Darling is the girl in Caspian’s artwork and she’s now a young woman trying to liberate her father so she plays the part Caspian wants her to play. At the ball, Caspian announces a tour of the kingdom that he’ll be taking and he plans on his brother Talon and Darling accompanying him. As they travel, their eyes are opened to the true state of their country and citizens and discover plots to take them down.

I like the alternating viewpoints of Darling, Talon and Caspian. The world building is done well. I enjoyed the friction between Talon and Darling and also Caspian’s personality and humor. Darling has deep brown skin. Alvin has an olive complexion. Talon has tan skin. Finn is pale skinned.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Crush (Crave #2) by Tracy Wolff - OPTIONAL

Crush (Crave #2) by Tracy Wolff
, 704 pages. Entangled Teen, 2020. $11 Language: R (179 swears 57 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 kissing; Violence: PG-13 bloody hitting



17yo Grace has just woken up from four months of sleep as a stone gargoyle. For some reason, her gargoyle alter ego isn’t comfortable with Jaxon and his being a vampire. On the morning that Grace wakes up with blood on her hoodie, she thinks she may have drained Cole, the alpha werewolf, of blood - almost to the point of death. She discovers that Jaxon’s evil brother Hudson has somehow taken up residence in her mind.

This sequel to Crave is cheesy at times but also full of adventure, action, danger and great world building. The Ludares game, the Boneyard, the Bloodletter’s lair, the Unkillable Beast and the banter between Hudson and Grace make this a fun, interesting read! I enjoyed the silly jokes that Jaxon and Grace tell each other. The cheesiness gives humor to the story. The danger picks up in this second book of the Crave series. Grace, Macy and Jaxon are white. The bloodletter has light brown skin.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Monday, September 25, 2023

Invisible Son by Kim Johnson - OPTIONAL

Invisible Son by Kim Johnson
, 416 pages. Random House BFYR, 2023. $16

Language: R (45 swears 4 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (Underage smoking. Mention of underage drinking); Violence: PG-13 (Mention of attempted murder suicide)



17yo Andre returns to his home in Portland, Oregon feeling angry, confused and disgruntled after serving two months in a juvenile detention center for something he didn’t do. He also has to adjust to pandemic life because everything seems to have changed. Andre was framed for robberies when someone placed a backpack of stolen items in his locker and that’s the evidence that sent him away. He has an idea of who did it and he wants to know the truth. When his friend Eric goes missing, the danger builds and secrets are revealed as Andre tries to find his friend and get justice.

The chapter titles are fun since they’re named after songs. The history of our country’s turmoil during the pandemic is represented well. I enjoyed the book and read it straight through. The story reminds me a bit of The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas, because of the harsh reality brought to life, but with less swearing. Andre, Sierra and Eric are black, the rest of the characters are default white.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Crave by Tracy Wolff - OPTIONAL

Crave by Tracy Wolff
, 592 pages. Entangled Teen, 2020. $17 

Language: R (103 swears 33 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (passionate kissing); Violence: PG-13 (bloody injury, stabbing) 



17yo Grace has recently lost both of her parents and is now becoming a resident of Alaska so she can live with extended family, her uncle and her cousin Macy. She’s in a bit of a culture shock from the small population and extremely cold weather, since she’s just traveled from San Diego. But when she arrives at Katmere Academy, her new home, she’s astounded. It’s an elegant castle where students reside and her uncle is the headmaster. Grace feels out of place and she can tell which students “run” the school. It seems to be run by the Order, with Jaxon Vega as the leader. Jaxon helps Grace more than once and she starts falling for him. Strange and dangerous things keep happening around and to Grace but she believes that she’s getting to know her fellow students and who she can trust until information is revealed about her parents.

The book started out cheesy with the silly chapter titles and the almost instant swooning but still a fun read. The depth occurred through character development and a bit of mystery. I enjoyed Jaxon’s perspective at the ending because it helped understand the situation better. I am curious about and anxious to read the sequel and unravel more of the background of the fun characters The ethnicity is predominantly white. Flynn is Black and the Alaskan natives are bronze skinned.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School

Sunday, September 24, 2023

Royal Blood by Aimee Carter - MANY

Royal Blood by Aimee Carter
, 368 pages. Delacorte Press (Random), 2023. $12

Language: R (50 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13 (attempted sexual assault)



17yo Evangeline (Evan) is the illegitimate American daughter of the British king and has been kept out of the public eye her entire life so Britain royals don’t suffer from a scandal. She has bounced around to several boarding schools since her mom was diagnosed with fragile mental health and her grandmother (her only other relative) passed away. When Evan gets in trouble, a British royal advisor swoops in to whisk her away to the Windsor Castle in London for her protection but the royal family is irate that she’s in London, let alone the palace. Evan tries to see the situation from their perspective and even though she’s kind and not to blame for her father’s actions, her stepmother and half sister are cruel to her. She just wants to make it to her eighteenth birthday so she can be on her own and get away from the disdain. As much as Evan tries to blend in and please the royal family, things spiral when a death occurs.

The storyline is interesting. I enjoyed the intense parts. Great characters. Great quote from Queen Victoria. Predominantly white. Gia has dark skin. Louis is Black.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

A Warning About Swans by R. M. Romero - ADVISABLE

A Warning About Swans by R. M. Romero
, 381 pages. Peachtree Publishing, 2023. $18

Language: PG (1 swear 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG (Kissing, the idea of meeting your soulmate and your bodies fitting together perfectly) Violence: PG-13 (impaled on cross bow abuse mentioned and briefly described)



16yo Hilde and her 5 sisters were dreamed up by the god Odin and were given the magical ability to make wishes come true- especially dreams that make the world a better place. Odin tells his daughters to stay within the confines of the forest, that to venture forth where men dwell is too dangerous. Odin then gives them each a cloak that allows them to transform into beautiful swans, and give them each a different type of magic to help protect the forest. Hilde, is given the power to guide souls into the afterlife- mostly animals that can't find their way. But when dying animals and soothing broken hearts becomes too much for Hilde to bare, she does the unthinkable and meets a boy. She even makes a deal with him - she will grant his wishes of wealth and power if he introduces her to the human world and how to survive in it. Satisfied with the deal, the boy, Richter, shows Hilde his world- and when her magical cloak suddenly vanishes, Hilde must decide, to stay by Richter's side or return to the woods without her most prized possession.

A Warning About Swans, is a very whimsical novel written in prose, which at first I was hesitant because books that pretend to be poetry have never really been my forte. But this book was just the right amount of poetry balanced with storytelling. I enjoyed the fairy tale twist and I thought the overall execution of the book was well done. What I didn't enjoy from the book was the lack of characters - there were only about 3 main characters and very few plot points- and it often times dragged on. The main characters are Scandanavian. Kenzie Hoehne Reviewer 

Saturday, September 23, 2023

The Secrets of Stone Creek by Briana McDonald - OPTIONAL

The Secrets of Stone Creek by Briana McDonald
, 394 pages. Simon & Schuster, 2022. $19. 

Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (some dangers)



7th grader Finley Walsh is upset that her best friend Sophie is making new friends and that her mom always underestimates her by asking her older brother Oliver to be in charge. To make things worse, she and her two siblings are being dropped off during their spring break at an estranged relative's house while their mom goes on a business trip. Because Finley wants to be remembered as a female adventurer, she decides to pass the time in Stone Creek by solving the mystery of a local woman who sent missing over 20 years ago. During her investigation, Finley reestablishes her relationship with each of her brothers and learns that making mistakes is part of growing up.

I enjoyed learning about all the female adventurers that are described at the beginning of every chapter and watching Finlay as she develops more confidence in herself. Finley stops worrying about proving herself and begins to move forward leaving her grudges against others behind. All of the main characters are default white. Sophie's brother, Oliver, reveals that he is gay as he can't hide his attraction to another male character.

Paula B. , Teacher Librarian 

The Legacies by Jessica Goodman - OPTIONAL

The Legacies by Jessica Goodman
, 336 pages. Razorbill (Penguin), 2023. $15

Language: R (89 swears, 51 ‘f’); Mature Content: R (drug use, mentions self-pleasuring - no details. underage drinking, descriptive sex); Violence: PG-13 bloody death



The Legacies are selected from six different high schools each choosing six senior students. 17yo Bernie is hiding that her mom is possibly missing. Skyler, Bernie’s boyfriend, and Isobel are keeping a mutual secret and he’s also providing her with prescription drugs. Lee is Isobel’s boyfriend and is fairly laid back. Kendall Kirk, their classmate, is the fifth senior chosen and Tori Tasso, at Excelsior on scholarship, is the sixth. The Legacy competition is overwhelmingly intense and when someone dies, everyone becomes a suspect.

I like the alternating timelines between before and after the Legacy Ball. The characters are complex and represented realistically. I enjoyed the mystery. Bernie is white, the other characters are a mix of ethnicities.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Friday, September 22, 2023

The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins - OPTIONAL

The Woods Are Always Watching by Stephanie Perkins
, 240 pages. Dutton Books for Young Readers (Penguin), 2021. $10

Language: R (104 swears, 30 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG-13 (implied self-pleasuring); Violence: R (bloody shootings and murder, implied rape and murder, kidnapping)



18yo Josie and 18yo Neena are going on a hiking trip in the Blue Ridge Mountains, part of the Appalachian Trail. They want to make this last trip together before they head different directions when college starts. The two best friends start off excited about the hike until they become unsure of the trail. When Josie falls in a sinkhole and Neena leaves to get help, they’re both visited by men that may or may not want to help them. Their friendship, determination and perseverance are put to the test and they have to rely on their intuition to get back home.

I enjoyed reading about the description of the Blue Ridge Mountains. I like how the strength of friendship is portrayed. A creepy thriller that gave me chills. The ethnicity falls to white but includes East Asian hikers, Josie is white and Neena is Indian American.

 LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Mae Makes a Way by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich and Andrea Pippins - ADVISABLE

Mae Makes a Way: The True Story of Mae Reeves, Hat & History Maker by Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich, illustrated by Andrea Pippins
. PICTURE BOOK  BIOGRAPHY Crown Books for Young Readers, 2022. $19. 9780525645856 



Mae grew up in the segregated South where there were not many opportunities for Black families to do what they dreamed. In the 1920’s Mae became a teacher. Mae was also a newspaper writer who found ways to celebrate the beauty amid ugliness and hurt in her community. She fled the persecution of the southern segregated cities and decided to do what she loved. She went to school at the Chicago School of Millinery where students were not segregated. She was so thankful to a Black owned bank that lent her $500 to start her own hat shop on South Street in Philadelphia. She loved serving the humble woman as well as the wealthy. Mae “lifted as she climbed,” raising money to help others in her community, and finding many ways to help everyone she could. A mother, successful entrepreneur, and community advocate, Mae made the way. Her contributions to Black history are monumental, and Mae now has a permanent exhibit at the National Museum of African American History and Culture. 

Mae Makes a Way captures the strength of the human spirit amid roadblocks and challenges. Mae’s life story of fashion entrepreneur and civic organizer engaged and warmed my heart . What an incredible person! Pippins simple, graphic and beautiful storytelling illustrations enhance the warmth and energy of the story. The book is about Mae Reeves, a Black fashion entrepreneur who followed her dreams amid segregation and discrimination. 


SIsters in Science by Linda Elovitz Marshall - ADVISABLE

 Sisters in Science: Marie Curie, Bronia Dluska, and the Atomic Power of Sisterhood by Linda Elovitz Marshall and Anna and Elena Balbusso. PICTURE BOOK. Random House, 2023. $19. 9780593377581 



Bronia and Marie was best of sisters, teaching themselves at home first, and then attending a secret school together to learn more. While Bronia went off to Paris to become a doctor, Marie supported her. When it was Marie’s turn, Bronia supported her - even introducing Marie to her future husband, Pierre Curie. A sweet book that introduces as to the sister we had no idea Marie Curie had. 

Marshall portrays beautiful sisterly relationship - a friendship that continued their entire lives. Not short on scientific information about Curie’s discoveries either. A good addition to a women in science collection. Really love the endpapers. Bronia and Marie are Polish. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Moving the Millers' Minnie Moore Mine Mansion by Dave Eggers, illustrated by Julia Sarda - HIGH

Moving the Millers' Minnie Moore Mine Mansion
by Dave Eggers, illustrated by Julia Sarda
, PICTURE BOOK NON-FICTION Candlewick Press, 2023. $20. 9781536215885



John "Minnie" Moore found a silver mine in Idaho when his dog dug up a gopher hole. He sold the mine to an Englishman named Henry Miller, who became a very wealthy man with the silver mine. He married a local girl named Annie. He sent Annie off to England to enrich her mind and while she was gone, built her a beautiful three story Victorian mansion. Henry and Annie lived there happily for years and welcomed a son, Douglas. Around the turn of the century, sadness came to the Millers' Minnie Moore Mine Mansion when Henry died. Things got worse. Annie was tricked by a crooked banker and lost all her money. She tried to raise pigs to make a living, but the town wouldn't let her have them in her yard. So Annie had to choose her mansion or raising pigs. What did she choose? 

Dave Eggers has written a funny and enjoyable history of the people involved in making and moving the Millers' Minnie Moore Mine Mansion. Instead of just retelling the facts, he has added western rustic humor. Sarda's illustrations are masterful, funny, and transport us to an amusing old west.


Thursday, September 21, 2023

Accountable by Dashka Slater - MANY

Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Social Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives It Changed
by Dashka Slater,
472 pages NON FICTION Farrar, Straus, and Giroux (BYR), 2023. $19 

Language: R (63 swears 28 'f'); Mature Content: R (Racism, bullying, trauma, PTSD) Violence: PG (Broken arm) 



HS Junior Charles starts a private instagram account with the sole purpose of amusing his friends; unfortunately, the humor that they've latched onto is disturbingly racist and sexist and often targets their own classmates. Soon, news of the account and its followers are leaked, and the girls who are victims of the account face the impact of betrayal, racism, and the accompanying trauma. This true story explores the fall-out of the event from disastrous reconciliation meetings, to riots, to national headlines. Slater presents all sides of the story and explores what to do when the worst happens after a "joke" is shown for the racism it is. 

The best thing about this book is how Slater manages to make you feel compassion and empathy for every person involved in the story. She never excuses the choices of the boys who made and followed the account, but she gives voice to their stories. She also unapologetically shares the trauma of what it's like to be a victim of racism and sexism. She addresses the science behind justice and punishment and how most - if not all - of these individuals are not rotten at their core. However, I would caution that HS teachers might want to keep an eye on who reads this book and perhaps follow-up with them; it has some heavy content. Nowadays, real accounts of racism are riddled with political tension, and that might make this book controversial. This books contains an ensemble group of Black, Asian-American, Latino, and LGBTQ+ students 

L Jones HS ELA Teacher

House of Roots and Ruin by Erin A. Craig - OPTIONAL

House of Roots and Ruin
 (Sisters of the Salt) by Erin A. Craig
, 544 pages. Delacorte Press/Random House Children's, 2023. $15 

Language: PG-13 (12 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (passionate kissing; implied sex); Violence: PG-13 (bloody death) 



17yo Verity is tired of staying home at the Highmoor estate and when she receives an invitation to paint portraits for a family in Bloem, she’s absolutely thrilled. Her older sister and caregiver adamantly denies Verity any hope of leaving. This suffocates Verity and when she asks Camille why she’s denying her any hope of freedom and adventure, Camille confides that Verity talks to ghosts everywhere they go, no one else can see them, and this makes her and the family look crazy. Verity denies this accusation until proven wrong when told her nanny has been dead for twelve years and Verity had no idea because she talks to her and receives help from her every day. When Verity sneaks away in the night, she feels truly alone for the first time in her life and what awaits her is beyond anything she can imagine. 

I love the author's writing style. The character development was fun to read. I enjoyed the mystery surrounding the family in Bloem. The ethnicity is mixed.

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

The Brilliant Calculator by Jan Lower and Susan Reagan - ADVISABLE

The Brilliant Calculator: How Mathematician Edith Clarke Helped Electrify America
by Jan Lower, illustrated by Susan Reagan.
PICTURE BOOK BIOGRAPHY Calkins Creek (Astra), 2023. $19. 9781662680069 



Born in 1882, Edith Clarke loved math and engineering and wanted to use it to make modern life better. But those paths were closed to women. She persisted in her own way first teaching, and then attending college, even if she was older than the others, and teaching more and heading back to school herself. In 1921 her Clarke Calculator helped electric engineers complete needful calculations faster and landed her a job as America's first female electrical engineer, improving electrical transmission and telephone lines for all. Clarke never stops teaching, never stops inventing, and never stops learning. 

I love a good biography that tells the story of another woman who forged ahead despite the odds - and brought her name out from obscurity. While a longer read for a picture book biography, it is not unwieldy. Lots of information about Edith is easily available on the Internet. Combine with the many female picture book biographies available for a great unit of study. Edith is white. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS.

Blade Breaker (Realm Breaker #2) by Victoria Aveyard - MANY

Blade Breaker (Realm Breaker #2)
by Victoria Aveyard
, 592 pages. HarperTeen, 2022. $10 

Language: R (10 swears 2 'f');  Mature Content: PG-13 (passionate kissing; implied sex, no details); Violence: R (bloody deaths)



17yo Corayne and her mismatched crew are reeling from the battle to close the Spindle as they observe dead Galland soldiers and sea serpents surrounding them. As they move on, forty Ibal soldiers approach and tell the crew they have orders from their king to take Corayne to him, and the crew travels along because they’re staying together. The group has no idea what to expect when they meet the Ibal king. Erida continues to take kingdoms by force with the help of Prince Taristan and wizard Ronin, both of whom are occupied by the demon What Waits, and when she kills a fifteen-year-old princess, she gains another kingdom. A new Spindle is found and when Corayne reaches it to close it, she discovers a trap. Will evil or good conquer the realm? 

I love the world-building and the character development. I enjoyed the intensity of the conflicts. I appreciate how this book and series feel like an epic fantasy. The characters are described with various shades of skin from pale to brown. 

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Foxglove (Belladonna #2) by Adalyn Grace - MANY

Foxglove (Belladonna #2)
by Adalyn Grace,
464 pages. Little, Brown BFYR, 2023. $15 

Language: PG-13 (27 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: R (petting; descriptive sex); Violence: PG (death by poison) 



Fate kills Lord Wakefield and then nonchalantly blames Elijah Hawthorne in a room full of witnesses who watched Elijah give the Lord a drink that’s later found to be laced with cyanide. Fate reveals that he’s Death’s brother and has never forgiven Death for taking his one true love and now he wants revenge. 19yo Signa and Death are trying to help prove Elijah’s innocence by finding the true killer. The situation grows much more complicated and truths are revealed that surprise everyone. Signa begins to doubt who she really is when memories surface from a past life and she’s unsure of her fate. 

I love the world-building with the wonderful descriptions and the prose. I enjoyed Blythe’s spunk. Signa’s strength and kindness is an inspiration. Signa is white. Death is fair-skinned. Fate has bronze skin. Blythe is white. Everett has brown skin. 

LynnDell Watson, Delta High School Librarian

Stars of the Night by Caren Stelson and Selina Alko - ADVISABLE

Stars of the Night; The Courageous Children of the Czech Kindertransport
by Caren Stelson, illustrated by Selina Alko
. PICTURE BOOK NON-FICTION Carolrhoda (Lerner), 2023 $20. 9781541598683 



The children of Prague weren't sure what was going on, but their parents were whispering and making plans as Adolf Hitler and his Jewish war machine tightened their grip on their country. With the help of an unknown (to the children) man, they are given papers and loaded onto trains into the unknown - to safety. At the end of the war, the children return to Prague to find their parents, but very few of them do. 

I love every precious book I read about the Holocaust and believe that we need to start younger and explain the time to our children. Stelson makes me cry and you will cry too when you watch a bit of the BBC segment showing Nicholas Winton (the unknown man) meeting an audience full of the children (now adults) whom he saved. I only didn't rate this ESSENTIAL, because not every school has a teacher who teaches about the Holocaust. But where you do, make sure you buy this one! 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

Monday, September 18, 2023

A Pretty Implausible Premise by Karen Rivers - OPTIONAL

A Pretty Implausible Premise by Karen Rivers, 384 pages. Algonquin Young Readers (Algonquin Books), 2023. $19.

Language: R (126 swears, 39 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG



17yo Hattie and 18yo Presley are living tragedies: separated parents, lost Olympic dreams, and dealing with grief over deaths close to them. Do two tragedies equal a happily ever after or a bigger disaster?

Rivers translated Hattie and Presley onto the page very well, which has its pros and cons. Readers have the opportunity to know and connect with the characters on a deep level, but the characters’ thoughts and emotions became discombobulating—which made sense for the characters but made for a difficult reading experience. Furthermore, Rivers is honest in the title, and I felt how implausible the story was being set up to be and lost interest. Until the end. The ending came together beautifully, and the more I think about it the more I like it.

Hattie is implied white, Presley is Scottish-Canadian, and Calliope is implied Black. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, partial nudity, innuendo, and mentions of genitalia, condoms, and sex. The violence rating is for mentions of suicide.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Sunday, September 17, 2023

The Name Drop by Susan Lee - MANY

The Name Drop by Susan Lee, 304 pages. Inkyard Press, 2023. $20.

Language: R (84 swears, 45 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: G



18yo Jessica has learned the hard way that success takes money. Since she doesn’t have enough, Jessica’s plan is to make the right connections at her New York internship with the Korean company her father works for. 19yo Elijah is expected to take over as CEO of the family business one day, but he doesn’t want anything to do with it. The only positive thing about this forced internship is that his dad agreed to let Elijah go to the New York office. Through a series of mixups, these struggling new adults have the opportunity to get everything they want out of the summer.

Feeling just like a Kdrama, Jessica and Elijah’s story hits all the right misunderstandings, humor, and budding romance moments. Their story is full of hope and encouragement—even with an unexpected ending. Books and movies too often tell us that happily ever after means getting the perfect ending. While the ending for Jessica and Elijah is anything but perfect, everything does work out. And happily ever after can still exist in that.

The majority of characters are Korean. The mature content is for innuendo.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

Saturday, September 16, 2023

Border Crossings by Sneed Collard III and Howard Gray - ADVISABLE

Border Crossings by Sneed Collard III, illustrated by Howard Gray
. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Charlesbridge, 2023. $18. 9781623542382 



A male ocelot heads south in search of a mate, but is stopped when it encounter a tall, long wall that is too high to climb and too close to wriggle through. While some places are still open, too much is now creating an artificial barrier that stops not only humans, but animals also. 

Collard brings to life how the border wall effects more that humans, with no solutions, only worry about what will happen if the whole thing is actually built. The afterward touches on the human toll and more about how much human politics effects animal life. An easy fit for science class, but if I had a modern government class in my school, I would take this to the teacher immediately. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Great Carrier Reef by Jessica Stremer and Gordy Wright - ADVISABLE

Great Carrier Reef by Jessica Stremer, illustrated by Gordy Wright.
NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Holiday House, 2023. $19. 9780823452682 



The old carrier ship may be of no use on top of the waves any more, but it is about to start a new life on the ocean floor as an artificial reef – a new home for ocean life of all sorts. 

Stremer has filled a hole in the science picture book spectrum with this simple, true book about a single carrier becoming an artificial reef. Whether you are teaching a unit on ships, or ecosystems, or human-nature interactions, I can think of lots of ways to use this book. And a simple Google search yields articles and sites about artificial reefs from history. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Friday, September 15, 2023

Whale Fall: Exploring an Ocean-Floor Ecosystem by Melissa Stewart and Rob Dunlavey - ESSENTIAL

 Whale Fall: Exploring an Ocean-Floor Ecosystem by Melissa Stewart, illustrated by Rob Dunlavey. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Random House, 2023. $19. 9780593380604 



When a whale dies, their carcass falls to the ocean floor, where a new ecosystem springs up – animals and plants using the nourishment of the whale to grow and live in succession over fifty years. 

Stunning, reverential, and full of information I had never heard before. Dunlavey’s illustrations are the perfect dreamy blues and includes insets with enlarged looks at some of the new denizens. LOVE IT! 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Secrets of the Lost City by Sandra Markle - ADVISABLE

Secrets of the Lost City: a scientific adventure in the Honduran rain forest by Sandra Markle
, 49 pages. NON-FICTION. Millbrook (Lerner), 2023. $32 



Rumors of a Lost City, La Ciudad Blanco, have circulated for decades through Honduras. The land around it, however, is the wildest rain forest in all the world. It isn’t until 2010 that scientist Steve Elkins puts together the money for a lidar (light detection and ranging) search of a small area of the rain forest and finds conclusive proof of ancient human habitation. Even with that proof, physical expeditions are expensive and dangerous. 

I was fascinated by the use of lidar in aiding archeological exploration in remote territory. The information on the scientists’ investigations in to the flora and fauna were also detailed enough to be valuable as supplemental material in almost any science class. 

Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS 

Thursday, September 14, 2023

Operation Pangolin: saving the world’s only scaled mammal by Suzi Eszterhas - ADVISABLE

Operation Pangolin: saving the world’s only scaled mammal by Suzi Eszterhas
, 37 pages. NON-FICTION. Millbrook Press (Lerner), 2023. $31 



While pangolins are exotic to us in the United States, all over Asia and Africa over 100,000 of them are killed each year for their rare meat and supposed medicinal properties. Thai, a Vietnamese scientist, has been working since he was a child to learn about and save the pangolin. 

Eszterhas takes us into Thai’s world to give us what little we know about pangolins and show us the few ways scientists are trying to save them from extinction. Beautiful color photographs accompany the dense text – definitely not a picture book. 

 Cindy Mitchell, Library Teacher, MLS  

Poop for Breakfast by Sara Levine and Florence Weiser - ESSENTIAL

Poop for Breakfast: why some animals eat it
by Sara Levine, illustrated by Florence Weiser
. PICTURE BOOK Millbrook (Lerner), 2023. $21. 9781728457963 



Poop is not just for dung beetles! Other animals need to eat poop too. 

Levine and Weiner give us a straightforward look at animals that eat poop and why they do it. I really like the part about why humans should NOT eat poop. Sure to attract a wide audience - even at a high school. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass - ADVISABLE

The Lost Library
by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass
, audiobook narrated by Christopher Gebauer, et al. 215 pages. Feiwel and Friends (Macmillan), 2023. $17. 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



5th grader Evan and his best friend Rafe have more than one mystery to solve - how did the town library burn down all those years ago and who is the mysterious author H.G. Higgins? Evan is not the only narrator of our story, though. Mortimer, the cat who ushers mice out instead of killing them, and AL, the ghostly library assistant, also have their sides of the story to tell. Usher in the little free library that appeared overnight and let the story begin. 

Another great read-aloud for upper elementary! I loved listening to this courtesy of, but I think reading it aloud would add the same charm to the telling. Evan is earnest and endearing; Al's place in the world is a mystery right to the end, and Mortimer is a cat anyone would be proud to own. The characters default white, except for the cat, which is orange. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

Mexikid: a graphic memoir by Pedro Martin - ESSENTIAL

Mexikid: a graphic memoir
by Pedro Martin
, 309 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Dial (Penguin), 2023. $23. 

Language: PG (1 swear 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG (naked doll illustration, pee and diarrhea references); Violence: PG (danger, depictions of fighting)



It's the 1970's and Pedro and his large family are leaving the strawberry picking fields of Watsonville, CA to drive 2000 miles to Mexico to help their abuelito wrap up his affairs and move back to California with them. Pedro, is not excited, until his father and older siblings tell him stories of Abuelito's exploits during Mexico's wars. Along the way he gives us a ring-side seat into what life was like crossing the border, driving the dangerous roads of Mexico, and coming to get to know yourself better. 

Cindy listened to the book courtesy of, so she had no idea it is a graphic memoir. The audiobook is so spectacular, read by a full cast, and would make a fun read aloud in an upper elementary classroom. Hilarious and heartfelt. Lisa read the graphic novel and loved the illustrations - some of the depictions of Pedro's grandfather fighting off several men make him look (understandably) like a super hero. There's a section that takes place in a cemetery which could be troubling for a sensitive child, as well as an event where a deer is hit on the road.  Also, Martin uses a lot of Spanish, some is translated in footnotes. Highly recommended, especially to my Mexican population. Includes an author's note with photos of the family, including Abuelito. Pedro and his family are Mexican. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS and Lisa Librarian

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

The Christmas Clash by Suzanne Park - ADVISABLE

The Christmas Clash
by Suzanne Park
, 349 pages. Sourcebook Fire, 2022. $19.

Language: R (45 swears 5 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



11th grader Chloe Kwon is trying to take pictures of reluctant preschoolers at the mall, perfect her application for a prestigious art award that could determine her future, and now she has to add save her parents' food court Korean restaurant from closing as the mall is about to be sold to a developer who want to tear it down. Worst of all - she can't accomplish anything without the help of Peter Li, her mortal enemy - or at least that is what her parents tell her - don't ever trust the Lis. But Chloe has always been kind of drawn to Peter, even if his parents' Chinese restaurant is their direct competition. Needs must - and as the two work hard to save their parents, they may also be falling for each other. 

Yes, a romance, but Park does an excellent job of weaving that into all of the other drama, not making the romance the only focus or the reason for the interaction. If you have room for more romance, I really liked this one. The main characters are Korean and Chinese. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS 

Hush-A-Bye by Jody Lee Mott - ADVISABLE

by Jody Lee Mott
, 220 pages. Viking (Penguin), 2021 $9 (paperback). 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (mild horror violence) 



6th grader Lucy is not looking forward to the torture of school after a glorious summer of freedom. But her little sister, Antonia is joining her this year, so even if she has to lie, Lucy will put on a brave face for her. The day before school starts, Lucy finds a broken doll head buried in the riverside muck and Antonia is drawn to it immediately. Neither Lucy nor Antonia have a clue what they have unleashed - a demon which is very, very good at getting its way. Unless they resist, the danger will become permanent. 

The cover does nothing to convey how spooky this book is. If it had a cover like a K.R. Alexander book, it would sell much more quickly. The evil doll trope is very popular in horror fiction, but Mott manages to be creepy enough without stumbling into over the top. The characters default white. 

Cindy, Library Teacher

Monday, September 11, 2023

Beauty Reborn by Elizath Lowham -MANY

Beauty Reborn
by Elizath Lowham,
200 Pages. Shadow Mountain, 2023. $19. 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG (allusion to rape); Violence: G 



17yo Beauty has taken herself to the castle of the Beast to trade her life for her father's, leaving behind not only him, but two older sisters and older brother. Instead of taking her life, however, the castle welcomes her in, and she finds that the owner is much more complicated than he seems. Beauty will need to confront the darkness within herself before she might be ready to break not only his curse, but her own. 

Reminds me a lot of Stacey Jay's Of Beauty and Beast in that they both add new depth to the classic story in beautiful ways. The characters default white. 

Cindy, Library Teacher 

Picture Day by Sarah Sax - ADVISABLE

Picture Day: (The Brinkley Yearbooks #1) 
by Sarah Sax, 278 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL Random House Graphic, 2023 $21 

Language: G (0 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G 



7th grader Viv is sick and tired of the safe braid her mom always makes her wear, so on picture day she takes the scissors into her own hands for an avant garden haircut. After the disaster is soothed out, Viv finds others who want her help being brave and soon her best friends are wondering if they will be left behind. Viv has to figure out what is really important to her. 

Some times friends stay together as they grow, other times they break apart. Sax shows a friend group that finds that they still have room for each other, even though they all have changes on some ways. Readers who like Telgemeier, LIbenson, Hale will also enjoy this new author/illustrator offering. The ethnicities of the characters are indeterminate, though they are drawn in various colors. 

Cindy, Library Teacher, LMS