
Saturday, September 30, 2023

A Whole Song and Dance by Sarvenaz Tash - ADVISABLE

A Whole Song and Dance
by Sarvenaz Tash,
295 pages. Hyperion Teens (Disney), 2023. $19

Language: PG13 (37 swears 0 'f'); Mature Content: PG13 (Kissing while on a date, underage drinking); Violence: G (microaggressions) 



Nasrin wants to be a star on Broadway - and her dreams are starting to come true. She's a freshman in NYU's theater program, and she's landed a role in a streaming musical that has gone viral. However, her parents think she was accepted to business school at NYU, and that she is there pursuing their dream, of having a daughter who graduates with an MBA. Nasrin is living a successful lie, but when her parents surprise her by moving to New York, Nasrin has to bring up her grade in the one business class she's taking. Enter Max - the TA for the class and part-time tutor, he can help, but she will have to be honest with him, and ultimately honest with herself. 

Musical theater kids will love A Whole Song and Dance. Each chapter is titled after a show tune lyric, there's lots of Broadway chatter, and it really felt like New York. I loved her best friend (a gay former child actor who was also trying to make it big on Broadway - usually I feel this is stereotypical, for a boy interested in theater to be gay, but it worked well here) and I loved how she felt like she could do everything and still keep it together - a common sentiment of the young actress, myself included.  I didn't like the character of her cousin, who came from Iran to go to school, and mostly partied. It created unnecessary drama.  Still, a darling, clean romance. Nasrin and her parents are Iranian Americans. 

Lisa Librarian 

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