
Saturday, September 30, 2023

Time to Roll by Jamie Sumner - ADVISABLE

Time to Roll (Roll with it #2)
by Jamie Sumner
, 201 pages. Atheneum (Simon and Schuster), 2023. $18

Content: G



12yo Ellie has never been one for pageants, but when her best friend Coralee enters the "Little Miss Boots and Bows" pageant and wants Ellie to participate as well, she goes against her dad's wishes (he thinks something is up because why would they want someone in a wheelchair), forges her mom's signature (mom is on her honeymoon), and borrows the $75 entrance fee from Mema (who doesn't ask questions). Ellie isn't worried about what the adults think, however, the competition puts a strain on her relationship with Coralee. 

I love Ellie so much, she is resilient, funny, and independent. I love how Ellie often points out that she's fine, and her chair isn't the problem people think it might be. I loved the pageant, and wondered about the organizer's intentions myself - I wonder if a middle-grade reader would, too, or if that's a mom/adult thing? Although Time to Roll is second in the series, it is not necessary to have read Roll with It first. A darling read. Ellie and Coralee are white. 

Lisa Librarian 

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