
Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Shannon in the Spotlight by Kalena Miller - ADVISABLE

Shannon in the Spotlight
by Kalena Miller
, 264 pages. Delacorte (Random House), 2023 $17.00 

Language: PG (5 swears, 0 'f'); Mature Content: G; Violence: G (mother and grandmother argue a lot). 



12yo Shannon is usually on the tech crew at the summer community theater, but this year, when the director overhears her singing during auditions, he encourages her to try out. When the cast list is posted, not only does Shannon make the show, but she is cast in the part her best friend wanted. 

Shannon in the spotlight is more than a "let's put on a show" story. Shannon has OCD, constantly washing her hands, obsessively putting on chapstick, and fearing that her feet are going to touch something dirty. I liked wondering when her compulsions were going to conflict with rehearsal or even the show. There's a cute romance, too - totally appropriate for a 12yo, and some great friend drama. Shannon is white, but other characters are a variety of races and cultures. 

Lisa Librarian 

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