
Saturday, May 26, 2018

Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West - ADVISABLE

West, Kasie  Listen to Your Heart, 324 pages. Point (Scholastic), 2018. $18. Content: Language: G; Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG. 

Kate is a high school-er who loves living by a lake in a small town. Her best friend Alana convinces her to a take a class at school that does a podcast for the community.  Kate is not big on the idea of taking the class but eventually winds up the hostess of the podcast.  Kate realizes that she enjoys hosting the podcast. The podcast receives a call from a boy the hosts refer to as “Looking for Love”. Kate and her friend Alana think that Alana’s crush, Diego Martinez, is the anonymous caller asking for relationship advice. But sooner or later Kate has to figure out that she has her own feelings for Diego. While Kate gives advice she has to keep up with helping herself too.

 This book was good. The author has written better books such as On the Fence and Fill-In Boyfriend so I wouldn’t recommend this one to you if you haven’t read Kasie West yet because she has better books. This book was almost like a Hallmark movie because everything is fine until the character messes up and only has twenty pages to realize her mistake and fix everything. I liked that they characters were well developed and the content was clean.

MS, HS - ADVISABLE.  Student Reviewer, Isabelle, 8th grade.

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