
Friday, May 25, 2018

Spring Hare by Eugene Yelchin- OPTIONAL

Yelchin, Eugene Spring Hare. PICTURE BOOK. Henry Holt and Company, 2017. $17. 9781627793926

A little rabbit follows a young girl on imagined adventures through the sky. They jump from a trampoline up into the air where the bunny chases the girl as she flies on a plane. The bunny is harassed by Canada Geese as they follow the plane and then bumps into a hot air balloon, which is holding the little girl. They slide on rainbows and float in space, eventually landing back on the trampoline.

The pictures in this look like they were drawn by a child, but not in an endearing or interesting way. It just looks a bit sloppy. There are no words in this picture book so the reader has to follow along with the story and create their own understanding of how it progresses and makes sense. I’m not sure I was even clear on that, so I think it would be difficult for most early readers.

Pre-K- OPTIONAL. Shay, School Librarian

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