
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Multiple Mayhem (Gabby Duran #3) by Elise Allen and Daryle Conners - OPTIONAL

Allen, Elise and Conners, Daryle Multiple Mayhem (Gabby Duran #3), 211 pages. Disney Hyperion, 2017.  $17.  Language: G (o swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: G.

Gabby has two extreme challenges to deal with in this third book of the series. Not only is she given care of a world ending alien artifact, but faces hers biggest alien babysitting job yet. On top of everything else her human nemesis Madison will not leave her alone and is making her life even more complicated. Additionally her mom is dating a man she suspects of being either a bad alien or in league with them. Thankfully one of her best friends knows about everything and can help –the other, well he is trying to process everything still.  

I really liked the first book in this series (and it has been popular in my library). This one is really fun and interesting as well. It has authentic dialogue, well crafted characters, a complex yet lighthearted plot, and lots of fast paced action. The BIG problem –the new covers for the series. The first one was appealing and intriguing to upper grade students. This one is VERY dated and boing looking –not to mention it gives away the plot. I honestly think it this could ruin it chances for circulation with the age group that is able follow the complex and continuing plotlines.

EL  – OPTIONAL Stephanie, Elementary School Librarian & Author

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