
Saturday, March 10, 2012

The One and Only Stuey Lewis by Jane Schoenbery- ADVISABLE

Schoenberg, Jane. Evans, Cambria. The One and Only Stuey Lewis.  128 pgs.  Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011.  $15.99.  Content: G. This book has four different stories about a boy named Stuey Lewis.  He starts second grade but can’t read very well. Does he end up learning?  It is getting close to Halloween.  On Halloween he plans out this huge Halloween Caper and succeeds in getting a ton of candy.  Later, he goes to his brother’s soccer game and his brother’s coach wants Stuey to try out for the team.  Will he join the soccer team?  The last story is about a school activity with secret friends.  A girl named Lily is Stuey’s secret friend.  Having a secret friend is really fun.  I liked the fact that there were a few different stories in one book.  This book was easy to read and interesting.  It was also funny.  EL (K-3). ADVISABLE.  Student Reviewed: JL- age 9.

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