
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fractions = Trouble! by Claudia Mills- ESSENTIAL

Mills, Claudia. Karas, G. Brian. Fractions=Trouble! 128 pgs.  Farrar Straus Ciroux, 2011.  $15.99.  Content: G. This book is about a boy named Wilson who has trouble with fractions and has to go to a math tutor.  Because he is focusing on his science fair project  instead of studying,  he missed a lot on the test. Wilson thinks his science fair project is going to be the best ever.  His little brother, Kipper, does a project with his tents to see which tents blow away the farthest in strong wind.   Wilson helps out his brother by allowing his stuffed animals to be in the tents.  Wilson had his bean bag penguin in the small tent, and his bean bag alligator in the big tent.  The big tent blew the furthest away.

I really liked this book.  I liked the illustrations- especially the hamsters.  It’s a funny and exciting book.  This book would help anyone struggling with fractions to know they aren’t alone. EL (K-3). ESSENTIAL.  Reviewer: JL-age 9. 

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