
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Luminous by Dawn Metcalf - OPTIONAL

Metcalf, Dawn Luminous, 367 pgs. Dutton, 2011

Language - PG-13 (43 swears, 1 "f"), Sexual Content - PG-13; Violence - PG-13

After an embarrassing episode at the store, Consuela is relaxing in the tub when she finds out she can take off her skin. She enjoys the feeling of being a free skeleton for a moment before discovering she can make a replacement skin of air, water, and more. Consuela finds herself in a whole new world and takes a role in saving other peoples' lives, but there is a killer in this world, too. Will any of them survive his wrath? 

When Consuela first took off her skin, it freaked me out and I almost jumped out of my own it scared me so much. After that first time, though, it was easy to accept it as part of her and continue on with the story. However, there were some more frightening parts throughout the book. I do not recommend this to the faint of heart. Luminous isn't all horror, there were some very funny and heart-warming scenes as well. Overall, it was a very good read. 

HS - OPTIONAL. Reviewer: CCH

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