
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Passing Strange by Daniel Waters - OPTIONAL

Waters, Daniel Passing Strange, pgs. 386 Hyperion, 2010. $16.99.

Language-PG; Sexual Content-PG; Violence-PG-13;

When Karen dies, but then comes back to life as a zombie, her family, friends, and other townspeople don't know what to think. They have 22 zombies living in their community who have to go into hiding. Karen risks the chance of getting shot and beat to try and pass as a normal human. Things turn for good for her when she "dates" Pete Martinsburg, but will it stay that way for long?

I really thought that at first this book was weird because it was about zombies, and the beginning was kind of slow. Also the author would talk about what happened leading to the gir’ls death, but was still very unclear. I thought that it was a little graphic in the details of the zombies bodies etc. Overall it was an okay book.

MS-HS-OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: K.B.

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