
Thursday, April 28, 2011 by Liane Shaw - ESSENTIAL

Shaw, Liane, 263 pgs. Second Story Press, 2009.

Language-PG, Sexual Content-G; Violence-PG13;

This book tells the story of Maddie, who is checked into a facility with people with eating disorders.  As an assignment she is supposed to explore her past, figuring out what got her here. As Maddie zooms through her past she realizes of the damage she done to her friends, family, and including herself.

In my opinion this book is really good and I would recommend to people who are interested in stories where people overcome their personal battles. This disorder is everywhere in the world today especially with teenage girls. I have to admit thought the book comes with much detailed dangerous ways of losing weight and most of the book is really in chat room form where Maddie goes into a pro anorexia sites which are websites that actually exist which are chat rooms were other girls with the same disorder encourage others to dangerously lose weight.


Student Reviewer: HF

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