
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Julian Game by Adele Griffin - OPTIONAL

Griffin, Adele The Julian Game, pgs. 200 Putnam, 2010 $16.99. Language-PG (10 swears); Sexual Content-PG; Violence-PG-13;  Julian Kilgarry is the dreamiest boy in school, and the boy that Raye absolutely loves! But talking to him is hard. When Raye makes up a fake profile, Elizabeth, on Facebook to communicate to him with, things change. But for the best? I really didn't like that this book had a sad ending.  . I was confused at first to find out that a high school taught Mandarin as a language, but found later that it was a private school. The author should have mentioned that the school isn't a normal high school. The violence was a little bad, just some fist fights with cops here and there. The book overall was okay. HS-OPTIONAL. Student Reviewer: K.B.

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