
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Moonstorm by Yoon Ha Lee - OPTIONAL

Moonstorm by Yoon Ha Lee, 338 pages. Delacorte Press (Random House), 2024. $20

Language: G (1 swear, 0 ‘f');  Mature Content: G; Violence: PG (death and fighting)



9yo Hwagin was a child living in a clanner settlement outside the Empire of New Joseon when her community was devastated by a brutal attack. Rescued by an Imperial soldier who promises the Empress's protection, she is taken in as a ward of the state. Six years later, now known as 15yo Hwa Young, she attends a military academy and dreams of piloting a neurolink mecha, fiercely loyal to the Empire that saved her. When she and her classmates are hastily recruited as lancer pilots to fill personnel shortages, she believes she is finally achieving her dream. However, as she faces the realities of war, she begins to uncover troubling truths about the Empire and its methods. Hints of deliberate separation from older mentors and the grim desperation of the war effort suggests deeper conspiracies that challenge her faith.

Moonstorm captured my attention right away.  I enjoyed getting to know the protagonist, Hwa Young, and following her journey from traumatized child to a loyal soldier. The world Lee created was both interesting and detailed with sociopolitical tension in the Empire of New Joseon and mecha warfare. I always question sending young adults into war and wonder how realistic that really is.  I understand in this book it was necessary because of the shortage of people, but I can't imagine a 15yo flying an aircraft in a battle type situation. Despite that, I thought this was a fast-paced and thrilling book.

All of the characters in this book are of Korean or East Asian descent.

Jessica Nelson CTHS Librarian

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