
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Actually Super by Adi Alsaid - ADVISABLE

Actually Super by Adi Alsaid, 275 pages. Alfred A Knopf (Random), 2023. $19

Language: R (47 swears, 11 ‘f'); Mature Content: PG-13 (smoking pot, some kissing); Violence: PG (a body, deaths associated with natural disasters, no descriptions)



Senior year for Sam, Chio and 18yo Isobel is fast approaching, but Isabel has decided to take her senior year off to hunt for superheroes. Yes, she knows how that sounds, but she isn’t looking for comic book superheroes. She is hoping to find real people with real super abilities who help others.  She has felt such despair since COVID and she doesn’t seem to be able to connect with her parents so she is desperate to find something that will convince her that the world isn’t evil. Sam, Chio and her parents don’t want her to go, but she has convinced them that she needs this, and she is 18, afterall.  With mixed feelings, they send her off with promises to keep in touch.  Sam and Chio also make her promise that she will meet up with them for spring break in Mexico. Nine months later, Sam and Chio are at the designated meeting place in Mexico, but where is Isabel?

Alsaid tells the story mostly from Isabel’s perspective looking for supers which included a lot of new people, places and experiences and it was hard to keep track of it all and to know which ones were important to the story.  I liked the chapters from Sam and Chio’s perspectives better, especially after they reached Mexico and I found the mystery of Isabel’s disappearance to be more interesting than looking for supers.  I think readers that struggled during the pandemic will connect with Isabel’s loneliness, despair and desire to find something more.  The end wrapped up so nicely,  and while I appreciated that, it seemed too easy, and not what I thought Isabel would do.

There are characters from around the world.

RB Librarian

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