Monday, February 28, 2022
Barefoot Dreams of Petra Luna by Alda P. Dobbs - ADVISABLE
Danger Unknown by Kathi Oram Peterson - ADVISABLE
Danger Unknown by Kathi Oram Peterson, 264 pages. Covenant Communications, 2022. $17.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG13
Gerald has found Brooke again, which means she and Izzy need to leave tonight – now. Waking up from his recurring nightmare of his time in Iraq, Michael finds a little girl on his doorstep who leads him to her mother in a wrecked car. As Michael tries to help Brooke, he knows that she is hiding something, but Brooke can’t worry about this kind stranger who doesn’t understand how close Gerald is to catching them.
I was all in from the first page of Brooke’s story. Peterson reveals the complicated situation slowly throughout the book, keeping readers on edge as they wait to uncover the truth with Michael and Brooke. Watching the characters heal and grow during their challenges rather than waiting until the issues were resolved offers hope that the same will happen for readers in our own lives. The mature content rating is for mention of alcohol abuse and illegal activities; the violence rating is for persistent gun use and murder.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Defiant: Growing Up in the Jim Crow South by Wade Hudson - OPTIONAL
Defiant: Growing Up in the Jim Crow South by Wade Hudson, 258 pages. NON-FICTION Crown Books for Young Readers, 2021. $18.
Language: PG (5 swears); Mature Content: PG (refers to illicit relationship); Violence: PG-13 (Black man hunted down and shot, Emmitt Till's death, missing Civil Rights workers, 16th Street bombing-nothing graphic, but upsetting)
Wade is a young Black child growing up in the South during the 1950's and 1960's. The story starts when he is in kindergarten and goes through his time in college. He has a close, big family and tight-knit community. He enjoys school, church and baseball but is aware of the segregation and social unrest happening around him. He works hard and goes to college, where he becomes involved in the Civil Rights Movement.
I wanted to love this book because I love reading about the Civil Rights Movement and I enjoyed Warriors Don't Cry and This Promise of Change, but this book fell flat for many reasons. First, it is choppy and lacks a chronological storyline. Second, the beginning is slow and detailed without building any depth for any of the characters. Third, when Hudson talks about the Civil Rights movement or some of the historical events surrounding it, he doesn't explain the events and assumes his readers have the background knowledge that go with the events. Overall, I was bored and right when the events would get interesting, like when he got arrested, it was glossed over. All of the characters in this book are Black, including the main character, Wade Hudson.
Reviewer, C. Peterson
This Golden State by Marit Weisenberg - HIGH
This Golden State by Marit Weisenberg, 400 pages. Flatiron Books, 2022. $19.
Language: R (78 swears, 18 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13
Poppy (17yo) has been known as Katie for the weeks spent in Illinois. Now they're moving again, but it doesn’t feel the same as past moves; her parents are more on edge. Poppy tries to just be happy about finally seeing California and about the bits of freedom her dad is allowing, but the secrets her parents keep loom larger here – and the answers she’s always wanted to know feel within reach.
Poppy’s desire to know who she is and her longing for freedom to make her own choices are relatable struggles, and I felt connected with her in the first few pages. I wanted to know the truth just as much as Poppy did – the suspense nearly choking both of us – and I hope Weisenberg is already working on a sequel because I’m not ready to let Poppy go. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, mention of drug use and alcoholism, illegal activity, intense make out scenes, partial nudity, and mentions of sex and nude photos. The violence rating is for gun use, manslaughter, and mention of suicide.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
The Legend of the Dream Giants by Dustin Hansen - OPTIONAL
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG
Berg the giant wanders alone, trading for the food he needs, but Berg really wants to be friends with the people who chase him away. They hurt Berg when they call him “Ünhold,” the name of a terrible giant. If only Berg could show them that he isn’t like Ünhold, then maybe they would be kind to Berg and let him stay.
The young giant, Berg, is simple in language and desire, and the simplicity is what makes his story relatable. His is a tale of belonging, of struggling to understand why what he thinks of as kindness is rejected by people, of wondering if he can be true to himself as well as the demands of those that are willing to call themselves his friend. Hansen writes beautifully in the descriptive way of Berg’s simpler language to illustrate this fantasy world from Berg’s point of view, but there are pieces of the story that don't make sense to me. The violence rating is for repeated attacks and death.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Saturday, February 26, 2022
The Sea in Winter by Christine Day - OPTIONAL
Bargaining for the Barrister by Anneka R. Walker - OPTIONAL
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG
Louisa is looking to marry someone who is not in need of her dowry, which is why she agrees to a matchmaking scheme. Paul, however, feels he is not yet ready to marry because he cannot afford to do so. His reluctance to marry coupled with his friends’ desire to dissuade their mothers from further attempts at matchmaking results in determination to drive away whoever the girl may be – even when Paul starts to see potential in the match.
Walker’s romance was a flurry of ridiculous situations, in an amusing way. I laughed aloud at the cheesy lines and awkward ideas that the characters seemed intent on following through with. The best part was when open communication stopped the madness and allowed for the happily ever after – as it often does. The mature content rating is for discussions of reputations being ruined, and the violence rating is for mentions of child abuse and neglect.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Wakers by Orson Scott Card - ADVISABLE
Wakers by Orson Scott Card, 400 pages. Margaret K. McElderry Books (Simon & Schuster), 2022. $20.
Language: PG13 (22 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG
Laz (17yo) wakes up alone in a box in a lab. Getting out of his box shows that there are other boxes with people in them, but they’re dead. Leaving the lab only raises more questions when Laz discovers that he’s the only living person in the city and that there isn’t any writing anywhere – no books, no magazines, no ads, no trash. Is this all a coincidence, or is someone putting Laz through this on purpose?
Orson Scott Card has done it again – need I say more? Somehow, Card is able to strike a balance between complicated plots and scifi imaginings without overwhelming his readers. While I can’t honestly say that everything made sense and none of the theorizing went over my head, the questions that I have compelled me to keep reading to figure out the answers. I have enough questions left for a sequel to be a welcome continuation, but the ending of Wakers is also conclusive enough to be satisfying and let me ponder my remaining questions on my own. The mature content rating is for nudity and innuendo; the violence rating is for descriptions of corpses.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Friday, February 25, 2022
Healer of the Water Monster by Brian Young - ESSENTIAL
Unspeakable: The Tulsa Race Massacre by Carole Boston Weatherford and Floyd Cooper - ESSENTIAL
Red, White and Whole by Rajani Larocca - ADVISABLE
Lisa Librarian
Thursday, February 24, 2022
The Darkness Outside Us by Eliot Schrefer - OPTIONAL
A Kind of Spark by Elle McNicoll - ESSENTIAL
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzie Lee - OPTIONAL
Loki: Where Mischief Lies by Mackenzie Lee, 432 pages. Marvel Press (Disney), 2021. $10 (paperback)
Language: G (0 swears, 0‘f’); Mature Content: PG (implied sex); Violence: PG_13 (zombies, fighting)
Loki’s only friend in all of Asgard, is Amora, a sorceress in training. When Odin sees a terrible vision in the God’s Eye Mirror, the pair actually destroy the mirror when they try to see the vision for themselves. Amora is banished to Earth, where her magic will eventually drain away and she will die. Years later, Odin send Loki to Earth, because he has received a plea for help – too many murders through what seem to be magical means. Who should Loki find at the heart of the murders – Amora.
I will give Loki try, but I have had little success getting my students interested in books based on Marvels, Star Wars, or Star Trek. Loki has that spark of mischief and sarcasm that does appeal to a certain group of students. The book is good – I’m just afraid the interest level will be low.
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
The Conductors by Nicole Glover - OPTIONAL
The Conductors by Nicole Glover, 432 pages. Harper, 2021. $10 (paperback).
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: PG (married relations, undescribed); Violence: PG-13 (murders)
Hetty and her husband Benji used their magic skills to first escape their slavery in the South and helped others escape as conductors on the Underground Railroad. Now, after the War, they live in Philadelphia. When one of their friends is brutally murdered, Hetty and Benji are determined to find the culprit. As they search, however, they unlock secrets that are perhaps best left hidden. They also find out who their real friends, and real loves, are.
Glover weaves in so much, that is hard to describe the narrative well. There is Black magic – sorcery, and magic for whites – celestial, which uses wands. Though I was presented this as a YA book, it really is for adult readers – Hetty and Benji are married, there are no teenagers in the book. It is, however appropriate for YA, content-wise. Just for older students. All of the main characters and most of the secondary characters are Black.
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Bluebird by Sharon Cameron - ADVISABLE
Bluebird by Sharon Cameron, 464 pages. Scholastic, 2021. $19.
Language: PG (13 swears, 0‘f’); Mature Content: PG (vengeance, Nazis); Violence: PG-13 (deaths and guns)
Eva may have left the horrors of Germany and the war behind, but she has come to America with a purpose – revenge. The Nazi who was in charge of Project Bluebird – an experiment with terrible consequences – 27 of them – must pay for his crimes, and Eva seems to be the only one who cares. The few allies she has will help all they can, but if the American government wants to save him for their own purposes, is she willing to go all the way – risk her own life to end his?
Cameron’s Bluebird feels like a companion to Code Name Verity in layers and complexity. Older students who love Holocaust-related books will love its depth. Project Bluebird is a real, but very murky WWII program. Cameron uses her skills to flesh out its possibilities.
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
Trusting True North by Gina Linko - ADVISABLE
Trusting True North by Gina Linko, 176 pages. Shadow Mountain, APRIL 2022.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 ‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G (fights mentioned)
Since the virus struck, 10yo True feels like she is responsible for her family – her younger brother has bad asthma, her older sister has retreated into her cell phone, her dad is busy at the hospital, working long hours as a nurse, and her mother is on the other side of the border – in Canada – so, Mom can’t help at home. Not understanding really why she should remain distanced for others, True creates a treasure hunt for Georgie, which not only leads them to a neighbor’s barn which has kittens (!), but also they find Kyler, a bigger boy who has been labeled a bully. When Kyler contracts the virus, True feels like there is no one she can turn to – she must solve the problem herself.
I think Linko has done a great job of reflecting the concerns of many families who felt they have had to navigate lockdowns, absent parents, overworked parents, and more during Covid times. When parents are overworked, who can children really turn to? A sweet book that reads as modern history. True and her family are white.
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
Monday, February 21, 2022
The Bookshop of Dust and Dreams by Mindy Thompson - ADVISABLE
The Bookshop of Dust and Dreams by Mindy Thompson, 336 pages. Viking (Penguin), 2021. $17.
Language: G (0 swears, 0‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G (fantasy danger)
Poppy loves her family’s bookshop Rhyme and Reason. She knows how important it is for them to keep to their mission – welcome readers from all over the world and all throughout time, but never use the magic for themselves. They are centered in 1944 Ney York. But something is wrong with the bookshop – the magic isn’t working correctly, and something evil seems to be seeping in. Her older brother, Al, has been distraught since his best friend was killed in the current war, but would Al really endanger all that they have to find a way to use time for himself? Poppy will to be brave, to find allies, and step forward into danger in order to save all that she loves.
If you have a group of students who love fantasy books centered on bookshops, like Pages and Co, they will enjoy Poppy’s bravery and sheer gumption. It does get a bit dark – especially when more secrets are uncovered, but we all love a bit or direness and anger, right?
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
The Splendor by Breeana Shields - ADVISABLE
The Splendor by Breeana Shields, 330 pages. Page Streeet Kids, 2021. $16. 9781645673224
Language: G (0 swears, 0‘f’); Mature Content: G; Violence: G
Juliette was happy when her older sister Clare went to The Splendor for a week of pampering. But ever since Clare returned, things just haven’t been the same. Juliette is determined to enter The Splendor herself and unearth its secrets. What Juliette doesn’t know is the Henri, the beautiful boy who is her guide for the week, is also there to distract her. The Splendor not has secrets, but it also wants YOUR secrets!
A must read for students who love old-world glamour with a hint of scandal thrown in. The beauty of The Splendor is nicely set off by its dark underbelly. Shields should write of this type of book.
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
Sunday, February 20, 2022
Whistle: A New Gotham City Hero by E. Lockhart, art by Manuel Preitano - ADVISABLE
Temple Alley Summer by Sachiko Kashiwaba and Miho Satake - ADVISABLE
Saturday, February 19, 2022
Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher - HIGH
Full Flight by Ashley Schumacher, 320 pages. Wednesday Books (St. Martin’s Press), 2022. $19.
Language: R (34 swears, 16 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: G
Victim to small-town life, Weston knows about the rumors that started to follow him after his parents’ divorce. Anna feels like Weston is her last chance to keep her part in the high school marching band and convinces him to help her. But Anna is also suffering as she struggles with the expectations the small town has for her. Connected by music and honesty, Weston and Anna hope for understanding and healing.
Reading this book is what hope tastes like. From the first page, I was engulfed by Weston’s hope; Anna’s hope soon joined it, but their hope also became mine. I felt with them. And then things started to look like they were wrapping up, but I had too much of the book left for it to really be over. Schumacher gutted me when the last conflict presented itself. I don’t even know how I’m supposed to life after closing this book. It was beautiful, and I treasure its reading. The mature content is for drug use and implied sex.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
RBG’s Brave and Brilliant Women by Nadine Epstein - AVERAGE
RBG’s Brave and Brilliant Women: 33 Jewish Women to Inspire Everyone by Nadine Epstein, 197 pages. NONFICTION. SHORT STORIES. Delacorte Press (Random House), 2021. $17.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: G
Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) and Nadine Epstein had a conversation about how important women are and about the Jewish women that RBG admired. The 33 women that RBG looked up to were writers and politicians, mothers and scientists that all had something in common: they stood up against social norms to fight against discrimination.
I love the range of women that are illustrated in this book; they vary in the times and places they lived as well as in their home lives and careers and the length of their lives. Each of these short biographies talk about who they are as people, their hobbies and passions and families, helping readers to see them as more than simply their lists of accomplishments. Readers are encouraged to do what they can to stand on the shoulders of these great women and remember that you can accomplish great things, too.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Friday, February 18, 2022
Somewhere Between Bitter and Sweet by Laekan Zea Kemp - OPTIONAL
In the Shadow of the Fallen Towers by Don Brown - ESSENTIAL
Thursday, February 17, 2022
The Kate In Between by Claire Swinarski - ESSENTIAL
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
Seeking Freedom: the untold story of Fortress Monroe... by Selene Castrovilla and E. B. Lewis - ESSENTIAL
Cindy, Library Teacher, MLS
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
The Missing Passenger (Liars #2) by Jack Heath - ADVISABLE
The Mythic Koda Rose by Jennifer Nissley - OPTIONAL
Tuesday, February 15, 2022
Both Can Be True by Jules Machlas - ADVISABLE
Dawn Raid by Pauline Vaeluaga Smith - ADVISABLE
Monday, February 14, 2022
Junk Boy by Tony Abbott - OPTIONAL
Girl From Nowhere by Tiffany Rosenhan - ESSENTIAL
Sunday, February 13, 2022
Nuclear Family #1 by Stephanie Philips - ADVISABLE
An Engagement of Sorts by Alene Wecker - ADVISABLE
An Engagement of Sorts by Alene Wecker, 215 pages. Covenant Communications, 2021. $15.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG
Anne is desperate to get away from both Will, her childhood friend trying to marry her, and Mr. Smith, a customer of her father’s who is trying to take advantage of her. She ends up in London with her widowed sister but still can’t avoid the men. With reputations on the line, Anne is willing to do whatever it takes to protect herself and her loved ones.
All the twists and turns of Anne’s story are reminiscent of a Shakespeare comedy, encouraging me to both laugh and roll my eyes as I say of course that happened! The aforementioned complications strike a balance of being over-the-top and authentic for the characters, which made it feel fun and not simply cheesy as Anne takes part in ridiculous plans to first save herself and then her loved ones from ruined reputations. The mature content rating is for innuendo and sexual harassment.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Saturday, February 12, 2022
The Valet’s Secret by Josi S. Kilpack - OPTIONAL
The Valet’s Secret by Josi S. Kilpack, 288 pages. Shadow Mountain Publishing, 2022. $16.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG
Kenneth is pretending to be his valet when he meets -- and kisses -- Rebecca. Despite the best of intentions, Kenneth’s deception hurts Rebecca when she discovers the truth because she is a maid and he is heir to an earldom, a combination that is socially unacceptable. With every reason to say no, why do they want to say yes?
Kilpack quickly informs readers that her main characters are in their forties (48- and 42-years-old, respectively), and I nearly put down the book in my surprise, unsure that I could relate to such characters. Despite the age difference, I found myself understanding their conflicts between what they wanted and they were told they should do. I became invested in their lives and wanted to see things turn out well, and I enjoyed the details reminiscent of Cinderella stories.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Rivals by Tommy Greenwald - ESSENTIAL
Rivals by Tommy Greenwald, 320 pages. Abrams, 2021. $18.
Friday, February 11, 2022
The People Remember by Ibi Zoiboi and Loveis Wise - ESSENTIAL
Evicted! The Struggle for the Right to Vote by Alice Faye Duncan and Charly Palmer - OPTIONAL
Evicted! The Struggle for the Right to Vote by Alice Faye Duncan, illustrated by Charly Palmer. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK. Calkins Creek (Boyds Mill), 2022. $19. 9781684379798
Thursday, February 10, 2022
The Most Perfect Thing in the Universe by Tricia Springstubb - HIGH
The Most Perfect Thing in the Universe by Tricia Springstubb, 192 pages. Margaret Ferguson Books (Holiday House), 2021. $18