
Sunday, February 27, 2022

This Golden State by Marit Weisenberg - HIGH

This Golden State by Marit Weisenberg, 400 pages. Flatiron Books, 2022. $19.

Language: R (78 swears, 18 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG13



Poppy (17yo) has been known as Katie for the weeks spent in Illinois. Now they're moving again, but it doesn’t feel the same as past moves; her parents are more on edge. Poppy tries to just be happy about finally seeing California and about the bits of freedom her dad is allowing, but the secrets her parents keep loom larger here – and the answers she’s always wanted to know feel within reach.

Poppy’s desire to know who she is and her longing for freedom to make her own choices are relatable struggles, and I felt connected with her in the first few pages. I wanted to know the truth just as much as Poppy did – the suspense nearly choking both of us – and I hope Weisenberg is already working on a sequel because I’m not ready to let Poppy go. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, mention of drug use and alcoholism, illegal activity, intense make out scenes, partial nudity, and mentions of sex and nude photos. The violence rating is for gun use, manslaughter, and mention of suicide.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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