
Sunday, February 13, 2022

An Engagement of Sorts by Alene Wecker - ADVISABLE

An Engagement of Sorts by Alene Wecker, 215 pages. Covenant Communications, 2021. $15.

Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG



Anne is desperate to get away from both Will, her childhood friend trying to marry her, and Mr. Smith, a customer of her father’s who is trying to take advantage of her. She ends up in London with her widowed sister but still can’t avoid the men. With reputations on the line, Anne is willing to do whatever it takes to protect herself and her loved ones.

All the twists and turns of Anne’s story are reminiscent of a Shakespeare comedy, encouraging me to both laugh and roll my eyes as I say of course that happened! The aforementioned complications strike a balance of being over-the-top and authentic for the characters, which made it feel fun and not simply cheesy as Anne takes part in ridiculous plans to first save herself and then her loved ones from ruined reputations. The mature content rating is for innuendo and sexual harassment.

Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen

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