Monday, January 31, 2022
Nicky & Vera: A Quiet Hero of the Holocaust and the Children He Rescued by Peter Sis - ADVISABLE
The Counterclockwise Heart by Brian Farrey - ADVISABLE
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG
Guntram (21yo) leaves his little town for an offered position at the palace, Alphonsus (10yo) is given his first real princely duty, and Esme (12yo) has returned to the place her people, the magic wielders, fled, in order to complete a task. Their lives will soon intertwine, a fate set in motion by the inexplicable appearance of the Onyx Maiden ten years ago.
Everything starts a little discombobulated with the switching of points of view and skipping through time, and I doubted that it was all going to fit together. And then connections started to form. Once the jumbled parts started making sense, I couldn’t put down the book until I finished. Farrey is a brilliant craftsman of words, and I loved journeying with his characters.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
It All Begins with Jelly Beans by Nova Weetman - ADVISABLE
It All Begins with Jelly Beans by Nova Weetman, 244 pages. McElderry Books, 2021. $18
The New Brilliants by Robert Bowman - OPTIONAL
Sunday, January 30, 2022
A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr - ADVISABLE
A Glasshouse of Stars by Shirley Marr, 246 pages. Simon and Schuster, 2021. $18
You Were Made For Me by Jenna Guillaume - OPTIONAL
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Huda F Are You? by Huda Fahmy - ADVISABLE
Red Scare by Liam Francis Walsh - HIGH
Friday, January 28, 2022
What Once Was Mine by Liz Braswell - OPTIONAL
What Once Was Mine (Twisted Tale, #12) by Liz Braswell, 490 pages. Disney Hyperion, 2021. $19.
Language: PG (3 swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG-13.
Rapunzel is born with glowing hair, but in this version, her hair comes from a moonflower and as the moon changes phases, Rapunzel's hair has different magical powers. When Rapunzel is a newborn, she accidentally kills a nurse when she is angry and then is quickly whisked away by Gothel to a tower. Gothel convinces Rapunzel that she is in the tower because her hair kills people. The story picks up when Rapunzel turns nineteen and Gothel bids Rapunzel's hand in marriage to the highest paying evil-doer. However, before Gothel can sell her, Rapunzel sneaks out of the tower to find the glowing lanterns and to track down Flynn Ryder who she has seen in the meadow outside her tower. What ensues is an adventure full of self-discovery, magic, romance, friendship and villainy.
Tangled is one of my all-time favorite Disney movie, so I was super excited to read about Rapunzel. While slogging through the first 100 pages, I almost quit reading. It was boring, drawn out and not creative in the least. Then Rapunzel leaves the tower and all of the fun began. I enjoyed Rapunzel's friend, Gina, and Rapunzel's discovery of her magical powers. Flynn was well developed and Maximus has an origin story that was surprising. That said, no matter how well the story turned out, I'm not sure there are many young readers out there who would keep slogging through to get to the good parts. Also, the book is 490 pages long, so that alone would discourage many, making this book optional even though it had really good parts. The violence bumps this book out of the elementary age and into middle school. One of the villains kills multiple girls and bathes in their blood and there is a gruesome war wound.
Reviewer, C. Peterson
A Poem is a Firefly by Charles Ghigna and Michelle Hazelwood Hyde - ESSENTIAL
A Poem is a Firefly by Charles Ghigna, illustrated by Michelle Hazelwood Hyde. PICTURE BOOK. Schiffer Kids (Schiffer Publishing Ltd), 2018. $17. 9780764361081
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Alice's Farm by Maryrose Wood - ADVISABLE
The Die of Destiny by Frank L. Cole - ADVISABLE
The Die of Destiny (Champion’s Quest) by Frank L. Cole, 304 pages. Shadow Mountain, 2021. $18
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
Between You, Me, and the Honeybees by Amelia Diane Coombs - OPTIONAL
Life is Better with Friends by Micol Ostow - OPTIONAL
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
A Test of Courage by Justina Ireland - ADVISABLE
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG
At 16yo, Vernestra is the youngest Jedi Knight in a long time, and she’s determined to do well on her first real assignment – even if it feels like babysitting. Her task is to supervise 12-year-old Avon, a senator’s daughter, on a ship to see the new space station, Starlight Beacon. However, when the ship is compromised, Vernestra, Avon, and a couple others escape on a maintenance shuttle and fly into the unknown. At least it’s better than being dead.
The ragtag team of a mirialan, three humans, and a droid seems like it shouldn’t be as relatable as Ireland makes it. Each of them struggle to know what to do next, some thinking rationally while others want to act on their emotions – including anger and grief. Ireland includes all the fun elements of Star Wars – i.e., spaceships, new planets, lightsaber battles, and Jedi mind tricks – making the story entertaining for old and new fans.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Song for Jimi by Charles R. Smith Jr. and Edel Rodriguez - AVERAGE
Song for Jimi: the story of guitar legend Jimi Hendrix by Charles R. Smith Jr., illustrated by Edel Rodriguez. NON-FICTION PICTURE BOOK BIOGRAPHY. Neal Porter (Holiday House), 2021. $23. 9780823443338
Medusa by Jessie Burton - ADVISABLE
Medusa by Jessie Burton, 209 pages. Bloomsbury YA (Bloomsbury), 2022. $20.
Language: PG (1 swear, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG
Medusa (18yo) lives on a deserted island with her sisters after the shame of everything that happened in their village. Four years have passed, and now a boy is on her island. Does Medusa dare call out to him, or does she stay safe and scared in her cave?
Burton tells the story of how Medusa came to have a head full of snakes, but, more importantly, she tells the story of Medusa’s struggle to love herself. The reflective quality of Medusa’s story, as she recounts her experiences to readers, captivates and invites personal reflection on topics of fate and self-identity. Gill’s sketched style of illustrations supports the reflective tone and is beautiful in its own right – I could hang some of those pictures on my wall and never tire of looking at them. The mature content rating is for partial nudity and implied rape.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Monday, January 24, 2022
American as Paneer Pie by Supriya Kelkar - AVERAGE
American as Paneer Pie by Supriya Kelkar, 311 pages. Aladdin (Simon), 2020. $18
Cold Hearted by Serena Valentino - NO
Cold Hearted (Villains #8) by Serena Valentino, 294 pages. Disney Hyperion (Buena Vista Books), 2021. $18.
Language: PG (0 swears, 0 “f” + British swears); Mature Content: G; Violence: PG
Queen Cinderella is appealing to Fairy Godmother to help her stepsisters, Drizella and Anastasia, but Fairy Godmother wants nothing to do with those cruel girls. When Fairy Godmother’s sister, Nanny, convinces her to listen to the story of Lady Tremaine and her daughters, the question of who was cruel and who deserves help is harder to answer.
While I like the idea of getting another perspective on what happened with Cinderella and showing readers that we don’t always know the full story, this book was very confusing. I was expecting more similarities to the Disney movie, but Valentino takes lots of creative liberties that I feel change the entire Cinderella story. I didn’t like the emphasis of fairies and witches controlling so much of the Many Kingdoms, but it certainly is a unique spin on things if that’s what you’re looking for.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Summerhaven by Tiffany Odekirk - ADVISABLE
Summerhaven by Tiffany Odekirk, 272 pages. Covenant Communications, 2022. $17.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: G
Hannah is thrilled to receive an invitation to Summerhaven, the home of her late mother’s friend and her best childhood memories. Sure that the invitation means that her friend Ollie is finally ready to marry her, Hannah spends the carriage ride imagining the man he must have become and the happy future they are sure to have together. The first disappointment comes when Damon is the brother to greet her instead of Ollie, and the brothers’ actions only get more confusing.
Watching Hannah, Ollie, and Damon trip over themselves to try to keep up with their feelings was agonizing. While I was worried about the characters being wishy-washy and inconsistent, most of the time their actions felt real as they struggled to understand their own emotions and desires. They were just trying to do what they thought was best, and they kept getting in each other’s – and even in their own – way.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Sunday, January 23, 2022
The Islanders by Mary Alice Monroe and Angela May - ADVISABLE
As Large as Life by Jonny Marx, illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat - ADVISABLE
Fearless: The Story of Daphne Caruana Galiza, Defender of Free Speech by Gattaldo - ADVISABLE
Saturday, January 22, 2022
Monsters of Rookhaven by Padraig Kenny, illustrated by Edward Bettison - ADVISABLE
Break the Fall by Jennifer Iacopelli - OPTIONAL
The Black Kids by Christina Hammond Reed - OPTIONAL
Friday, January 21, 2022
Dear Student by Ellie Swartz - ADVISABLE
Dear Student by Ellie Swartz, 304 pages. Delacorte Press (Penguin Random House), February 2022 $20
Content: G.
12yo Autumn has just started 6th grade. Her BFF just moved to California, and Autumn is worried about starting middle school alone. Walking to school on the first day, she meets Cooper when he accidently injures a baby lizard on the road. Then, at school that day, Autumn is invited to have lunch with Logan, a gregarious girl who seems to make friends easily. Maybe there's a chance for friendships after all. A favorite part of the school paper is "Dear Student" an advice column which will be written by a 6th grade student secretly assigned by Mr. Baker. Autumn applies (so does Logan) and when Autumn gets the job, she finds giving advice secretly is much harder than she thought, and could hurt her newly found friendships.
Autumn is a great character, a lot going for her as well as a lot going on in her life (don't get me started about her father "leaving to join the peace corps" (what??)) She's resilient, thoughtful and is really trying to do the right thing even though she's going through a lot. Realistic representation of today's kids - Cooper and Logan were also experiencing some challenges. I liked the middle school drama and how a rumor can spread through the whole school in just a few class periods.
Lisa Librarian
Ain't Burned All The Bright by Jason Reynolds, artwork by Jason Griffin - OPTIONAL
If the Shoe Fits by Julie Murphy - ESSENTIAL
Lena, the Sea and Me by Maria Parr - OPTIONAL
Lena, the Sea and Me (Companion to Everything on a Waffle) by Maria Parr, translated by Guy Puzey. 284 pages. Candlewick Press, 2021. $17
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Barakah Beats by Maleeha Siddiqui - ADVISABLE
Barakah Beats by Maleeha Siddiqui, 288 pages. Scholastic Press, 2021. $18
Content: G.
12yo Nimra has been attending a private Islamic School and has finished their Hifz program where she memorized the Qur'an. Now her parents feel it's time for Nimra to attend public school. Her best friend Jenna also goes to Farmwell, but when they are at school, their friendship seems different - Jenna didn't welcome Nimra into her friends group and she doesn't like that Nimra wears her hijab. When Matthew, Bilal and Waleed, 8th grade boys who overhear her praying in the band room, invite her to sing in their Muslim band Barakah Beats, she agrees, hoping this will impress Jenna and her friends - which it certainly does. But, Nimra knows her religious parents wouldn't want her to perform, so she doesn't tell them.
Nimra really transitioned well from private to public school despite the friendship drama - which was spot on for that age group - who likes who, and making your friends talk to a boy for you etc. Siddiqui does a great job of keeping the reader culturally involved without weighing down the plot to do so. The author's note is great - I hope my readers don't stop at the end of the story, but keep reading through to the end.
Lisa Librarian
Flight of the Puffin by Ann Braden - OPTIONAL
Flight of the Puffin by Ann Braden, 229 pages. Nancy Paulsen Books (Penguin), 2021. $18
Jude Banks, Superhero by Ann Hood - ESSENTIAL
Jude Banks, Superhero by Ann Hood, 312 pages. Penguin Workshop, 2021. $17
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
The Thief and the Noble by Dana LaCheminant - OPTIONAL
The Thief and the Noble by Dana LaCheminant, 268 pages. Covenant Communications, 2022. $16.
Language: G (0 swears, 0 “f”); Mature Content: PG; Violence: PG
Lady Marian wants to help the lower class, but first she has to understand their needs. She dons a disguise to take a job as a barmaid and meets Robin, a thief intent on redistributing wealth. But everything becomes more complicated when Robin and Marian discover that the other isn’t what they appear to be.
As a retelling of Robin Hood, I enjoyed reading LaCheminant’s story – the thrill of vigilantism, the desire to help those who need it, and the reimagining of beloved characters. Unfortunately, I did not fall in love with this Robin, which made watching Marian fall in love with him difficult. Focusing on the action/adventure parts of the story was more fun than the romance parts, though the last chapter was, admittedly, a cute conclusion to the development of their relationship.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
Pantomime by Christopher Sebela and David Stoll - HIGH
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
The Kindred by Alechia Dow - HIGH
The Kindred by Alechia Dow, 392 pages. Inkyard Press, 2022. $19.
Language: R (36 swears, 5 “f”); Mature Content: PG13; Violence: PG
Felix is a duke of the kingdom, and Joy, his Kindred, is of the poorest class. While linking members of the kingdom through the Kindred program is supposed to help merge the gap between classes and give everyone a voice, the kingdom calls the pairing between Felix and Joy a mistake. They’ve always known that being together was impossible, but, when emergency circumstances force them to meet in person, the impossible starts to feel right.
I am blown away by how quickly Dow made me fall in love with these fictitious alien cultures and places. The characters and the story, though, took a few chapters for me to start enjoying. And then, just as I was starting to get pulled in, my interest stalled again when Earth got involved. Felix and Joy develop in ways that encourage readers to similarly make a positive impact on the world and stand up for themselves–and others–and the scifi world built is mesmerizing as Dow paints with words, but I didn’t love the execution of the plot. The mature content rating is for underage drinking, innuendo, and nudity.
Reviewer: Carolina Herdegen
The Beatryce Prophecy by Kate DiCamillo, illustrated by Sophie Blackall - ADVISABLE
Monday, January 17, 2022
The Girl and the Witch's Garden by Erin Bowman - ADVISABLE
Pantomime by Christopher Sebela and David Stoll - HIGH
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Kaleidoscope by Brian Selznick - OPTIONAL
Elephants! Strange and Wonderful by Laurence Pringle, and Meryl Henderson - ESSENTIAL
Saturday, January 15, 2022
When I Hit the Road by Nancy J Cavanaugh - ADVISABLE
When I Hit the Road by Nancy J Cavanaugh, 304 pages. Sourcebooks, 2020. $17
Shock Waves by Justin A. Reynolds and Pablo Leon - HIGH
Shock Waves (Miles Morales) by Justin A. Reynolds, illustrated by Pablo Leon, 128 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Scholastic. 2021. $13
Friday, January 14, 2022
The Invisible Alphabet by Joshua David Stein and Ron Barrett - ESSENTIAL
Heartless Prince by Leigh Dragoon and Angela DeVito - HIGH
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Rainbow Bridge by Steve Orlando, Steve Foxe, and Valentina Brancati - OPTIONAL
Rainbow Bridge by Steve Orlando and Steve Foxe, illustrated by Valentina Brancati, 126 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Seismic Press. 2021. $17
Evil Thing by Sereno Valentino and Arielle Jovellanos - HIGH
Wednesday, January 12, 2022
Amelia Erroway: Castaway Commander by Betsy Peterschmidt - HIGH
Amelia Erroway: Castaway Commander by Betsy Peterschmidt, 288 pages. GRAPHIC NOVEL. Graphix (Scholastic). 2021. $15