
Sunday, January 30, 2022

You Were Made For Me by Jenna Guillaume - OPTIONAL

You Were Made For Me by Jenna Guillaume
, 328 pages. Peachtree Publishing Company, 2021. $18

Language: R (46 swears, 6 “f”); Mature Content: PG – 13 (some nudity and teenage sexuality, nothing graphic); Violence: G



Katie has dreams of the perfect guy - I mean, who doesn’t - but when one night, the guy of her dreams actually materializes, in her room, NAKED?! (Don’t ask how it happens). Katie doesn’t actually know what to do with him. Guy is perfect. Looks perfect, acts perfect, is perfectly devoted to Katie, so why isn’t she happy? Meanwhile, she also has to navigate high school bullies, first kisses, and crumbling BFF relationships as well. 

 Apparently, this is a retelling of the Weird Science movie from the 80’s, which I haven’t seen, so I missed that reference. In general it is a pretty cute teen rom-com. I like the discussion on expectations on perfection. Like, does anyone actually want perfection? Not really. However, like most rom-coms, Guy’s - yes, his name is Guy - character is flat. He is a golden retriever personified. He exists to worship and adore Katie, but what happens if/when that relationship ends? What happens to Guy? I was unsatisfied with the conclusion and how everything wrapped up, however rom-coms don’t tend to run deep anyway. 

Reviewer: BookswithBeddes 

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